14 Apr 2022 Anti-American Slurs, Slander Causing Racial Violence
Before the Brooklyn subway shooter was taken into custody, his irrational behavior was on display. His social media was full of racially hateful postings. He was once on an FBI watchlist. Yet he was able to manifest his hatred in an episode of racial violence – shooting 10 people and leading to a total of 23 injured.
How much has the politicization of racial issues contributed to the radicalization of this man and so many others who have attacked police, attacked innocent citizens and caused billions in property damage? And, Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson asked: “Is that rhetoric having an effect on people’s mental health?”
On “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Project 21 Co-Chairman Horace Cooper “absolutely” agreed with Carlson’s concern, saying, “you have to ask that question.” He added:
The sad tragedy is there were Americans on a subway who were the subject of the hate, bile and bigotry of this individual…
I will tell you this,… there’s been a growing effort on the part of the wokesters to make a claim and a slur and a slander about America. America, as a country, was founded on an amazing concept that we noted in the Declaration of Independence – that all men are created equal.
Within a hundred years of our founding, we had more Americans lose their life than have in any other war fulfilling that…. [W]ithin another 100 years – less than a hundred years – a man like Martin Luther King stood up. He didn’t use woke tropes. What he said was: the Declaration of Independence had power. It had meaning. It is something that’s important to each and every one of us.
But this has been lost on leftists who see virtually everything these days through a racial lens:
What the slander and the lie is is that we don’t think that every American is equal – that we don’t think that one group, or two groups, can be judged solely by their skin color.
Today, those wokesters say – out in the media, and sometimes from the White House pulpit – that you can look at one group of human beings, white Americans, and assume whatever ill/whatever evil/whatever terrible motivation about them possible simply by looking at them.
“That is called Bigotry 101. Oh, and by the way,” Horace warned, “the more you do it, the more you get of it.”
Carlson remarked that Horace was “exactly right.” He also mentioned that he is worried about “race hatred” being riled up solely for political advancement. “What are the long-term effects?” he asked Horace, noting: “That’s a wound that doesn’t heal quickly.” Horace replied:
Racism has always been a poison.
Bigotry has always been understood. It is not innate, even though, if you go to UC Berkeley, they might make some kind of false claim.
Here’s what’s actually being pursued. I call it the “racial antinomian heresy”: the theory that there are people that – they can misbehave, they can blow up subways, they can run their car over people and we’re going to overlook that as somehow we’re making up for past mistreatment.
All that we’re signaling by that behavior is that more people should do it.
So shame on the New York Times. Shame on CNN. And shame on Joe Biden for lying to America.
And Horace reissued his challenge to the White House to back up its rhetoric on race with facts:
I came on your program, and I asked: declassify the information showing white American men are the real threat.
“It’s a lie, and it’s a slur against America,” Horace commented.
In the wake of the Fox News Channel interview, Project 21 received praise for Horace from a man named Kenneth, who emailed:
I just wanted to say thank you for what you said on Tucker Carlson. You were spot-on and – in my opinion – those comments put you on the same perch as Martin Luther King.