19 Jul 2022 Biden Didn’t “Inherit” the Current Chaos
In 44 of the 50 states, more people disapprove of Joe Biden’s performance as president than support him. It seems as if only the radical elements of his 2020 voter base still stand with him as he presides over economic turmoil at home and emboldened enemies abroad.
For example, in a Fox News poll, 84% of those surveyed called the condition of the American economy fair or poor, and 52% expected conditions to be even worse over the course over the next year.
But it seems the White House only laments that current crises prevent them from enacting their full liberal agenda. First Lady Jill Biden reportedly told supporters at a recent private fundraiser that “so many hopes and plans for what [Joe Biden] wanted to do” were allegedly dashed by the need to “address the problems of the moment.”
In a panel discussion on the Fox News Channel program “Fox News @ Night,” Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper pointed out these problems are actually all the fault of Jill’s husband:
His problems are not Roe v. Wade, or a decision by the Supreme Court about the Second Amendment. Nor even is it the invasion in Ukraine. His problems lie with his policies.
He created the inflation crisis. He created the supply chain issues. And it’s his efforts that have made our gasoline search a quest of the ages for a regular American family trying… to get a tank filled up without having to break the bank to do it.
Horace grimaced and shook his head as liberal commentator Bre Maxwell tried to claim that Biden has been weighed down by problems he “had to inherit.” She, like many liberals who still support Biden, are trying to pin the president’s lack of progress – despite a politically unified House and Senate leadership willing to support his agenda – on uncooperative moderate senators such as Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.
Horace explained that those senators bucking the will of the White House are really helping Biden over the long term:
Well, the truth of the matter is that these two senators – especially Senator Manchin – have actually prevented this president from being even more unpopular than he already is. All of the unconstrained vision, ideas that he would like to put forward have been halted.
And Horace reiterated that it has not been a matter of inheriting any of what has become the current chaos as much as Biden creating it:
Now let’s repeat, however: All of these problems began when he completely and totally mismanaged Afghanistan. That had nothing to do with Russia. It had nothing to do with the pandemic. His administration’s policies squeezed oil and gas. And, thankfully, you’ve got senators of his own party that say “we’re not going to let crazy happen here today.”