02 Aug 2022 No Improvement, Just Spin from Biden
Even though Joe Biden claimed as a candidate that “there would not be another foot of wall” built if he was elected president, the Biden Administration is now closing the gaps in those walls along the Mexico-Yuma, Arizona border.
U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz reported that funding has been devoted to close four gaps to “deter migrants from crossing in this dangerous area.” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, however, spun this as Biden “cleaning up the mess the prior administration left behind.”
“The administration should stop playing the word games,” said Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper.
In a panel discussion on the Fox News Channel program “Fox News @ Night,” Horace pushed back against liberals who are unwilling to take responsibility for the fault of their policies and embrace real solutions.
This included fellow panelist Kevin Walling, who parroted the latest leftist talking points that finishing the border wall that President Donald Trump started – and was protested throughout his presidency – is now an issue of safety and public welfare for which people must “put politics aside.” Yet a 2018 appearance by Walling on the Fox Business Network featured him similarly saying lawmakers and the White House needed to “remove politics from this situation,” but he then asserted that “the wall is not the solution.”
Horace pointed out that it is the Biden White House – whether it is on immigration, the economy or other important issues – that is unwilling to shed politics for clear and sensible policy:
This administration, instead of just agreeing to do the right thing because it’s the right thing, [won’t say] the wall is a good idea and it saves lives.
But instead, we have to redefine: we’re not rebuilding the wall, we’re saving lives. Inflation is just tentative. It’s gonna pass – it’s transitory, except it’s not at a 40-year high. It’s not a recession, that’s not the technical term for what’s going on. When, in fact, Americans are saying at levels we’ve not heard since the Jimmy Carter Administration it’s a recession, it’s terrible.
And there are also those in the media who are still holding out for Biden. In a Politico commentary, John F. Harris used the new spending package deal with Senator Joe Manchin to make a comparison of Biden to a lackluster student finally showing progress: “Biden is looking a little like the student who is failing his class for most of the semester, then pulls an all-nighter and slips the paper under the professor’s door at 6 a.m. It turns out the paper is actually pretty good… A solid B is within reach.”
Horace, who was a professor, explained how this kind of behavior actually works in the real world to host Shannon Bream and the “Bream Team” panel:
I used to teach constitutional law. I know of this experience, or attempt on the part of students. And they did not get a B. They did not get a C. They might have gotten a D.
Class participation and what you do for the entirety of the term matter.
This president, every time he has touched a policy – whether it’s energy, whether it’s the economy, whether it’s international relations – he has made it worse.
And for him to think that there’s some clever thing he can cram in at the last minute – like this new deal that he’s worked out with Manchin – I tell you that when you look at it and you grade it, you’re gonna give that an F.
Assessing the performance of the White House during the entirety of its term, Horace noted: “Nothing has improved.”
With that, Bream – an attorney herself – commented that she could tell Horace was a “great, very interesting professor.”