05 Jan 2023 Whitley Yates: Kevin McCarthy Needs to Hang It Up
In a discussion on Newsmax TV’s “American Agenda,” held during yet another House Speaker vote, Project 21 Ambassador Whitley Yates told fellow panelist Simon Conway and cohosts Bob Sellers and Katrina Szish that “Kevin [McCarthy] needs to hang it up.”
She explained:
When you’re looking at the 9th vote, the 10th vote, etc. and he still doesn’t have what he needs, the foundation is fractured and people don’t trust his leadership…. I don’t think he’s taken the hints, and he’s gonna keep at it until he doesn’t succeed.
A bit later in the program, Whitley added:
I think communication and strategy are two different things, and what we’re seeing is no strategy. Coming together and talking about who you’d like to see run and lead is one thing, but having a strategy that unites under the guise of unity as opposed to uniformity — because we’re not always going to agree — … no one is stepping up to do that and …[that] only makes the Republicans look weaker….
We’ve been saying “Fire Pelosi” for months, for years, and now that she’s gone, [Republicans] can’t find a leader to lead?