Horace Cooper Hannity NABJ Trump

Horace Cooper: Luxury Beliefs About Race Aren’t Relevant to Black America

Will the majority of black Americans be choosing their president based on identity politics or kitchen-table issues?

On the Fox News Channel program “Hannity,” Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper told host Sean Hannity, “Luxury beliefs about race and about who’s a first-this or first-that aren’t relevant to black America.”

Horace began his segment by praising the way former President Trump conducted himself when speaking at the annual conference of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ):

Donald Trump broke the Internet. He appeared at this event. He stood up. It was reportedly going to be hostile. I saw reports that there were going to be demonstrators and all manner, including one of the co-chairmen stepping down. In many instances it could’ve been seen like an encounter with Vladimir Putin, or the premier of North Korea or some other challenger that a president might face.

Former President Donald Trump stood up like a boss and went in with his message.

Horace then segued into his observation about what issues concern black Americans the most:

Black Americans have been categorized as a bunch of people — because they vote in higher numbers as Democrats — that hold the same luxury beliefs [as] the progressives that live in the zip codes of Manhattan or suburban DC or San Francisco.

Black Americans have said again and again they do not support open borders. They don’t want you to dress it up. They don’t want you to make it sound amazing and pretty and use the proper names. They want it to stop.

Donald Trump recognizes that, and that is a message that he delivered [at the NABJ conference].

If you’re a group of black journalists, you ought to be trying to elicit from the people that come before you questions about the issues that actually animate the population.

Luxury beliefs about race and about who’s a first-this or first-that aren’t relevant to black America. This is the 21st century. This is not the early 20th century.

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