reject treaty agreement

Bonner Cohen: Trump Needs to Get the U.S. Out of the Paris Climate Agreement

At Restoration News, Kevin Mooney quotes National Center Senior Fellow Bonner Cohen in an article outlining why and how incoming President Trump should get the U.S out of the Paris Climate Agreement once and for all.

Bonner told Kevin:

Getting the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement is more compelling today than ever before…. We are well into the green-energy-transition world as laid out in Paris nine years ago—and are far worse for it. Soaring energy prices, environmental degradation caused by the spread of wind turbines and solar-panel arrays, and the grotesque misallocation of public and private funds chasing the dead-end goal of net-zero emissions—are just some of the hallmarks of today’s green utopia….

By submitting the Paris Climate Agreement to the Senate, where it faces certain death, …President Trump can rid the American people of this flawed enterprise, once and for all. By terminating our membership in the UNFCCC, Trump can show the rest of the world what real leadership means.

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