Horace Cooper Hannity

Horace Cooper: To Reverse NYC Crimewave, Fire Alvin Bragg


Something has got to be done to change the crime trajectory in New York City and other urban American communities. And Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper recommends starting with a leadership change.

On the Fox News Channel program “Hannity,” Horace told guest host Tammy Bruce and fellow panelist Larry Elder that firing New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg is key to reversing the NYC crimewave.

Horace said:

Make no mistake: The ultra-woke warriors are behind the whole mission to allow an open season on innocent Americans. When innocent Americans — whether black, brown or white — are asked, “what should we do,” they want more law enforcement and they want greater punishment.

Any microeconomics professor will tell you: If you want more of a particular human behavior, reward it. If you want less of that behavior, sanction it.

I’m asking the governor of New York: Fire Alvin Bragg. Put someone in place who is going to say to people, “If you think you can go out on the subway and light a fire and just kill at random, this isn’t the town to do it.”

As you pointed out in your opening remarks, they’re at a 25-year high in deaths on the subway…. Any number of deaths is too many, but we’re headed in the wrong direction.

New York State needs to bring back the ultimate penalty. That’s what I want President Donald Trump to do: Bring back accountability. Let’s make sure California, New York and Chicago stop these criminal predators in their tracks.


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