It hasn’t been a good week for the White House. A number of nationwide opinion polls released over the past few days all paint an unflattering portrait for the Obama Administration. No contradictions here. The polls send a loud and ...
“Harry Reid — The Scream.” Source: absentee_redstate’s photostream,“We know that this is a difficult election year, but I think the public wants us to take a strong action on energy.” So says Sen. Joe Lieberman who evidently thinks Americans ...
Now that Climategate’s so called Independent Climate Change E-mails Review committee—(see climate scientist Patrick Michael’s Wall Street Journal article here explaining why the committee is anything but “independent”)—has concluded that the “rigour and honesty” of the scientists at the University ...
President Obama speaking at a solar power plant.Most everyone is familiar now with President Obama’s politicizing of the BP oil disaster to push America away from affordable fossil fuels and toward costly renewable energy. But just how much does he expect ...
This in today’s Washington Post under heading, “Reuseable bags found to be dirty”: A reminder to shoppers who use reusable grocery bags: Don’t forget to wash them after you’ve emptied them. Nearly every bag examined for bacteria by researchers at ...
Syndicated columnist Robert J. Samuelson has a terrific piece in the Washington Post yesterday entitled “Energy Pipe Dreams.” Here’s an excerpt: Just once, it would be nice if a president would level with Americans on energy. Barack Obama isn’t that ...
Sixty-two days after the Deepwater Horizon explosion, and the American people are still awaiting an explanation as to why President Obama has failed to waive the Jones Act. The 1920 law protects union workers by preventing foreign vessels from operating in ...
Washington, D.C. - The following is a statement by Dana Joel Gattuso, environmental policy director of the National Center for Public Policy Research: It has now been 57 days since the disastrous BP oil spill, and President Obama has still ...
Associated Press has a story today on Mississippi’s largely untarnished beaches. Governor Haley Barbour has said on a number of occasions, including last weekend’s Face the Nation, that “the people of the United States have the impression the whole Gulf ...
Dana GattusoWith the devastating BP oil spill taking center stage, watch as cap & trade enthusiasts shift their focus away from global warming as the reason to regulate CO2 to the dire need to “wean ourselves from our addiction to ...
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