The left overpromised. The president under-delivered. Before Donald J. Trump’s July 4 Salute to America, his foes described this event as, at best, a parade of partisanship, narcissism, racism, and divisiveness. At worst, they billed it as a pageant of ...
Author: The National Center
American Leaders are Ignoring the Issues that are Fueling Racial Hatred and Violence, by Carol M. Swain
After Trump Tweets, Baltimore’s Elected Leaders Given “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America”
Stop Putting Words In Our President’s Tweets! by Emery McClendon
Women’s Soccer Star’s “Blaccent” Deserves a Yellow Card
The Political Opinions of Celebrities Matter But Facts Do Too, by Jerome Danner
Levi’s Criticized for “Putting Politics Ahead of Pants”
Salute to America Made Fools of Trumpophobes, by Deroy Murdock
Reparations Are Treated as the Cure for Inequality — They Are Not, by Emery McClendon
Nike’s American Flag Shoe Recall Kicks Up Black Conservatives’ Anger
African Americans Don’t Need Reparations. We Need To Take Responsibility For Our Lives, by Emery McClendon