Author: The National Center

American Leaders are Ignoring the Issues that are Fueling Racial Hatred and Violence, by Carol M. Swain

American Leaders are Ignoring the Issues that are Fueling Racial Hatred and Violence, by Carol M. Swain

Project 21 Commentary /
Passing new gun control laws and labeling President Trump a white nationalist who inspires acts of terrorism are a waste of time. They will not address the root causes of the anger and disaffection that fueled recent acts of violence ...
After Trump Tweets, Baltimore’s Elected Leaders Given "Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America"

After Trump Tweets, Baltimore’s Elected Leaders Given “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America”

Press Release /
Black Conservatives Send Recommendations to Mayor, City Council for Improving Black Opportunity Washington, D.C. – To help create a better Baltimore, the Project 21 black leadership network sent Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young and the entire Baltimore City Council copies ...
Stop Putting Words In Our President’s Tweets! by Emery McClendon

Stop Putting Words In Our President’s Tweets! by Emery McClendon

Project 21 Commentary /
Conservatives shouldn’t be so hasty to fall into the same political trap as the conservative black senator from South Carolina. When Senator Tim Scott said President Donald Trump used “racially insensitive” language in a recent tweet – presumably directed at ...
Women’s Soccer Star’s “Blaccent” Deserves a Yellow Card

Women’s Soccer Star’s “Blaccent” Deserves a Yellow Card

Raising the Barr /
When kids go back to school this fall, there’s a pretty good chance their teachers will have posted a photo of the U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT) winning the FIFA Women’s World Cup in soccer. Does it deserve this honor? Since ...
The Political Opinions of Celebrities Matter But Facts Do Too, by Jerome Danner

The Political Opinions of Celebrities Matter But Facts Do Too, by Jerome Danner

Project 21 Commentary /
Let it be said at the outset of this piece: all opinions matter. In our country, no matter your status, level of infamy, or salary, you have the right to freedom of speech, which means you can voice your opinion ...
Levi's Criticized for "Putting Politics Ahead of Pants"

Levi’s Criticized for “Putting Politics Ahead of Pants”

Press Release /
New Poll Shows That Anti-Gun Activism of Denim Icon Levi Strauss Pushes People to Shop Elsewhere San Francisco, CA/Washington, D.C. – Levi Strauss & Co. executives were presented today with conclusive proof that their politics could hurt sales, and they ...
Salute to America Made Fools of Trumpophobes, by Deroy Murdock

Salute to America Made Fools of Trumpophobes, by Deroy Murdock

Project 21 Commentary /
The left overpromised. The president under-delivered. Before Donald J. Trump’s July 4 Salute to America, his foes described this event as, at best, a parade of partisanship, narcissism, racism, and divisiveness. At worst, they billed it as a pageant of ...
Reparations Are Treated as the Cure for Inequality — They Are Not, by Emery McClendon

Reparations Are Treated as the Cure for Inequality — They Are Not, by Emery McClendon

Project 21 Commentary /
In 2007, much like today, liberals were demonizing the president and looking at shoring up their base for the next major election. An issue dragged out of the political closet was the notion of paying reparations to blacks now for ...
Nike's American Flag Shoe Recall Kicks Up Black Conservatives' Anger

Nike’s American Flag Shoe Recall Kicks Up Black Conservatives’ Anger

Press Release /
Colin Kaepernick's Demand Sends Nike Down "Dangerous Path" With Consumers, Investors Washington, D.C. - After Nike pulled an American flag-themed shoe off the market after a complaint by former football player Colin Kaepernick, members of the Project 21 black leadership network ...
African Americans Don’t Need Reparations. We Need To Take Responsibility For Our Lives, by Emery McClendon

African Americans Don’t Need Reparations. We Need To Take Responsibility For Our Lives, by Emery McClendon

Project 21 Commentary /
In 2007, much like today, liberals were demonizing the president and looking to shore up their base for the next major election. An issue dragged out of the political closet was the notion of paying reparations to blacks now for ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.