Advocates for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies label opponents as “anti-ESG.” But what we really are is pro-fiduciary-duty. On June 1, 2023, Heidi Welsh, Executive Director at the Sustainable Investments Institute, posted “Anti-ESG Shareholder Proposals in 2023” on the ...
Author: Scott Shepard
Scott Shepard: Larry Fink Abandons Failed “ESG” Phrasing for ESG Phrasing
Scott Shepard & Stefan Padfield: The Pro-Fiduciary-Duty Movement is Winning
Scott Shepard: Shifting Standards of Evidence Will Doom Woke CEOs
Scott Shepard: The Human Rights Campaign Should Call 911 For Itself
Scott Shepard: As Target Plays Politics, Its Shareholders Take Aim
Scott Shepard: What a Real, Fully Capitalist Energy Transition Would Look Like
Scott Shepard: Is Emperor Larry Fink Silencing the Critics of His ESG Regime?
Scott Shepard: ESG Means Biden Administration Priorities Forced on Businesses
Scott Shepard: It’s Congress’s Turn to Address Chase’s Discriminatory Banking Practices
Scott Shepard: The Results Are Coming In For ‘Woke’ Corporate Policies, and They’re Messy