Last year's business scandals should have been enough to remind everyone of the importance of reliable business audits and public disclosure generally. But while many would say it is self-evident that ethics rules that are good for big business are ...
...a large SUV, says the Sport Utility Vehicle Owners of America in a story by Anna Bakalis in the July 14 Washington Times. The group is poking fun at an environmentalist campaign that seemingly purports to speak for our Lord ...
Senior Fellow Bonner Cohen has an op-ed in the Detroit Free-Press and other newspapers this week answering the question: Why have natural gas prices nearly doubled this past year? A short, short version of his answer: "the same federal government ...
Our executive director, David Almasi, had a comment about this Fox News/AP story. It is about the estimated 15 percent of the 55,000 employees at the U.S Department of Agriculture who carry government credit cards misusing the cards to, for ...
Michael Kinsley's piece on medical malpractice reform in the July 11 Washington Post contains this paragraph: One subject you don't see many anecdotes about is "frivolous lawsuits," although this is a major theme of malpractice reform crusaders. There's a reason: ...
Michael Tomasky, incoming executive editor of the liberal American Prospect, labels the prescription drug benefit President Bush has been pushing Congress to adopt as "this Medicare swindle" in a piece on the TAS website today. It's hard to see how ...
Bill O'Reilly was right (July 7 FNC O'Reilly Factor) when he emphatically said opinion columns should contain documentation for inflammatory accusations (his example was an International Herald-Tribune column calling President Bush a liar). I believe he's right, but I wish ...
"When the complex Senate drug benefit was described to seniors who have drug coverage to ask if it would be better than the coverage they have now, 74% of seniors said no and only 16% said it would be better." ...
Thanks to the National Center for Policy Analysis for noting this fact in a July 7 Minnesota Star-Tribune story by Kevin Diaz: Although blacks and Hispanics make up 26 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 3.5 percent of ...
One of the many admirable individuals associated with the African-American leadership group Project 21 (which we sponsor) sent this e-mail from Iraq to our David Almasi on Independence Day. Clearly, morale among American troops in Iraq is not universally low ...
The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.