Category: Environment and Enterprise Institute

Global Warming Not to Blame for Heat Wave, Temperature Data Shows

Press Release /
President Plays Upon Fears and Emotions of Public to Advance Political Agenda Contrary to statements by both President Bill Clinton and Vice President Albert Gore, the recent heat waves afflicting the south and west do not demonstrate that global warming ...

Don’t Like the Weather? Don’t Blame Global Warming

In recent years, advocates of the global warming theory have convinced many Americans that virtually any weather-related calamity is evidence that human-induced global warming is underway. One has only to look at the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel ...

What Scriptures Tell Us About Environmental Stewardship, by Samuel Casey Carter

Now that secular liberalism has all but driven orthodox religion out of public life, it should come as no surprise that heterodox spirituality has become the latest battering ram of the left. In a time when the Bible has been ...

Sun to Blame for Global Warming, by John Carlisle

Those looking for the culprit responsible for global warming have missed the obvious choice - the sun. While it may come as a newsflash to some, scientific evidence conclusively shows that the sun plays a far more important role in ...

The Quincy Library Group: So-Called “Consensus” Forest Plan Lacks Consensus, Violates Rights

Since the House of Representatives approved the Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery and Economic Stability Act of 1997 (H.R. 858) by an overwhelming margin last July, many have hailed the process that created the bill as a model for resolving ...

Global Warming: Enjoy it While You Can, by John Carlisle

Policymakers have been arguing for nearly a decade over what to do about global warming. Noticeably missing from this debate has been any mention of the fact that natural fluctuations in the Earth's temperature, not Man, is the likely explanation ...

What Earth Day Means to Minority Citizens, by Edmund Peterson

April 22, 1998 marks the 28th annual Earth Day celebration, but like many other people of color I will not be celebrating. To me, Earth Day is merely an annual reminder of the environmental movement's insensitivity to the needs and ...

Earth Day May No Longer Be Needed

After nearly thirty years, Earth Day may be obsolete. Thirty years ago, Americans had good reason to be concerned about the environment. In 1966, 80 people reportedly died from air pollution-related causes during a four-day temperature inversion in New York ...

We Have But One Thing to Fear: Fear Itself (Part I)

Over the past several decades, the American people have been manipulated by a handful of scientists outside the mainstream to fear safe products that improve their quality of life. Products have been removed from the market, banned, or heavily regulated ...

Good News About Energy

In 1987, the environmentalist Worldwatch Institute predicted an oil shortage would cause a major energy crisis within five years.1 No crisis has occurred. Instead, the oil industry is producing a million more barrels a day than it can sell.2 According ...

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