Category: Health

Study: CDC Manipulated COVID-19 Deaths, Violated Federal Laws

Study: CDC Manipulated COVID-19 Deaths, Violated Federal Laws

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The nation reached a significant milestone in late February, with media outlets reporting that the number of Americans who have died from COVID-19 passed the 500,000 mark. Such a death toll is deeply disturbing.  But is it accurate? A recent ...
Becerra Lacks “Respect” and “Character” to Run HHS

Becerra Lacks “Respect” and “Character” to Run HHS /
In a letter to the U.S. Senate calling Xavier Becerra an “extremist nominee who will carry the agendas of liberal dark money groups to his administration post,” a group of over 100 prominent conservatives – including National Center General Counsel ...
Socialized Medicine is Perfect for “Karens”

Socialized Medicine is Perfect for “Karens” /
If your given name is Karen – sorry! The name Karen took on new meaning in 2020 as the designated label for those intrusive scolds who make life less bearable. With pandemic precautions at a (ahem) fever pitch, it is ...
Socialized Medicine: Karen Locking You In Your House, Forever

Socialized Medicine: Karen Locking You In Your House, Forever

Now that a “Biden”-Harris administration looks inevitable, we can rest assured that a new fight for socialized medicine will heat up again under whatever initially anodyne label gets used this time (likely it will be “single payer,” at least at ...
Genetic Markers for COVID Spread Confound Medical Experts

Genetic Markers for COVID Spread Confound Medical Experts /
There’s evidence that a reason COVID-19 spreads can be traced all the way back to the cavemen. Under a new theory, modern man’s interbreeding with Neanderthals may have left certain populations with a genetic predisposition for contracting COVID in a ...
Ancient Migration Patterns Offer Explanation for Unequal Susceptibility to COVID-19

Ancient Migration Patterns Offer Explanation for Unequal Susceptibility to COVID-19

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A group of genes passed down from human cousins who went extinct 50,000 years ago explains why inhabitants of certain regions of the world are far more susceptible to COVID-19 than people living elsewhere, according to new interdisciplinary research. Two ...
The Evil Trade-Off: Freedom for Security Amid the COVID-19 Crisis

The Evil Trade-Off: Freedom for Security Amid the COVID-19 Crisis /
The American people should be alarmed by the growing restrictions created by our government officials in response to the COVID-19 health crisis. In mere months these rules, supposedly implemented for our good, have threatened freedoms for which our forefathers fought ...
COVID Treatment Threatened as Trump Hatred Fuels Anti-Vax Hysteria

COVID Treatment Threatened as Trump Hatred Fuels Anti-Vax Hysteria /
With promising medical advances on the horizon in the war against COVID-19, it would appear the biggest problem is getting liberals to trust and support vaccines produced with the assistance and oversight of the Trump Administration. In an panel segment ...
COVID-19 Exposes Failing Medical Regulation

COVID-19 Exposes Failing Medical Regulation /
Government intervention has led to an increased mortality rate. That’s the key finding of a new study that National Center Senior Fellow Bonner Cohen Ph.D. profiles in an article published by the Heartland Daily News. Put simply, bureaucrats were not ...
Anti-Science Liberals Play Risky COVID Politics

Anti-Science Liberals Play Risky COVID Politics /
Things are looking up in the fight against COVID-19. But you wouldn’t think so from the rhetoric coming from liberal politicians and their establishment media cheering section. Throughout the pandemic, efforts to find a vaccine to bring the virus under ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.