Category: Videos

Defenders LIVE Episode 916 with Michael Austin of the Project 21

Defenders LIVE Episode 916 with Michael Austin of the Project 21

This excerpt from the Defenders LIVE broadcast on 8/19/2022 and featuring Michael Austin of the Project 21 black leadership network, has been posted under fair use guidelines for the purpose of non-profit, educational public debate by the National Center for ...
Political Realities Confound Liberal Leaders

Political Realities Confound Liberal Leaders

This excerpt from the Fox News “Bream Team” broadcast on 8/06/2022 and featuring Horace Cooper of the Project 21 black leadership network, has been posted under fair use guidelines for the purpose of non-profit, educational public debate by the National ...
FEP Top 10 Victories of 2021

FEP Top 10 Victories of 2021

FEP has made great strides this year against Woke Capitalism. Please take a moment to celebrate our victories with us ...
The Heartland Institute's 14th International Conference on Climate Change: Policy Track (Saturday, October 16)

The Heartland Institute’s 14th International Conference on Climate Change: Policy Track (Saturday, October 16)

Justin Danhof and Scott Shepard of the National Center for Public Policy Research and Stephen Soukup of the Political Forum Institute, discuss the growing trend of corporations putting aside fiduciary duties and concentrating on ESG goals. This change in focus has profound negative impact on shareholders, customers, and society as a whole ...

“Black History is American History,” Says Project 21’s Melanie Collette on Newsmax

Black History Month nowadays puts more emphasis on celebrity and politics than it does on the importance of black families. In an interview on Newsmax TV’s “American Agenda,” Project 21 member Melanie Collette told hosts Bob Sellers and Heather Childers that Black History Month isn’t doing a service for black Americans when it puts inordinate focus on acts such as putting abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill ...

Justin Danhof Discusses Growing Dissatisfaction with Major Corporations

After acting as a muscle for left-wing political interests, corporate America is finally getting its comeuppance. The results of an annual Gallup poll show a dramatic drop in public satisfaction with institutions such as religion, business and government as well as the general quality of American life. This overall satisfaction score is now at 39% – 14 points lower than last year, and 28 points below a modern high in 2002 ...

“What We Look Like Has Nothing to Do With the Essence of Who We Are as Individuals” – Horace Cooper

In San Francisco, where the schools remain closed, the city’s board of education was bogged down in a two-hour debate over whether a person’s race should deny them an opportunity to volunteer on the school district’s Parent Advisory Council ...

Trump Impeachment Trial Should Include Evidence of Voter Fraud, Says Project 21’s Stacy Washington

With the Senate impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump set to begin – in a second attempt to remove him from office after he’s actually left office (go figure) – members of the National Center’s Project 21 black leadership network have spoken out against the congressional action as “just political payback” based on “zero evidence.” ...

Trump Impeachment Is Unjustified, Simply “Political Payback,” Says Project 21’s Christopher Arps

With the Senate impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump set to begin – in a second attempt to remove him from office after he’s actually left office (go figure) – members of the National Center’s Project 21 black leadership network have spoken out against the congressional action as “just political payback” based on “zero evidence.” ...

Black Lives Matter Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize; Project 21’s Stacy Washington Responds

A socialist member of the Norwegian parliament has nominated Black Lives Matter (BLM) for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. If the Marxist movement that caused so much bedlam in America’s cities over the past several months ends up beating out fellow known nominees such as Stacey Abrams, President Donald Trump and former Trump advisor Jared Kushner for what’s becoming an increasingly dubious honor, perhaps it should be renamed the Nobel “Mostly Peaceful” Prize ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.