Project 21 member Gregory Parker, Ph.D., is a business owner.
He is the author of “Capitalism and Morality: An Essay,” which debunks the idea that capitalism is immoral. He is also the author of “Conservative Essays for the Modern Era,” which explores several issues – including identity politics, democratic socialism and gun control – to reveal liberal hypocrisy and blatant disregard for basic science and facts.
Gregory, a Texas resident, has served as city manager, a two-term county commissioner for Comal County and a state commissioner. He is also a former president of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Comal County, a former board member of the Alamo Area Housing Finance Corp. and past member of the Alamo Area Council of Governments Public Transportation Advisory Committee and the New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce.
Gregory is a veteran of the U.S. Army. He received a bachelor’s degree from Columbia Southern University and a master’s in public administration and doctorate of public policy and administration from Walden University.
Why I Do Not Support Black Lives Matter (June 2020)
Freedom & Collective Security/Safety (April 2020)
Gun Control Policies Are Rooted in Racism (February 2020)
Identity Politics; Feelings Over Facts (January 2020)
The Trans Delusion Is Poised To Harm Others (October 2019)
The Minimum Wage Fallacy (July 2019)
Gun Control Policies Socialize an Individual’s Right to Self-Defense (May 2019)