Kevin Martin is a member of the National Advisory Council of the Project 21 black leadership network. An environmental contractor in the Washington-Baltimore area and a long-time public policy commentator, Kevin frequently appears on the Fox News Channel and typically is interviewed by radio talk shows over 70 times each year on behalf of Project 21.
Comments may be sent to [email protected].
On RT Network’s “The Big Picture,” Kevin supports voter identification requirements (10/9/15)
On RT Network’s “The Big Picture,” Kevin discusses infrastructure and the Keystone XL pipeline (1/22/15)
On One America News Network’s “The Rick Amato Show,” Kevin calls ISIS “al Qaeda on steroids” (8/20/14)
Important Questions and a Few Easy Steps to Stop an American Ebola Outbreak (December 2014)
Vets Deserve Better Care, and Obama Knows It (Yet Fails to Provide It) (August 2014)
Dr. Carson’s Comments Appropriate for President to Hear (April 2013)
Polls Show State of the Economy Has Dumped Energy Issues onto Obama’s Lap (April 2012)
Why Al Sharpton is Afraid of Black Conservatives (April 2011)
How’s That Post-Racial America Working Out for You? (November 2010)
How Political Correctness Kills (November 2009)
President Poser (October 2009)
Playing the Race Card Without a Full Deck (August 2009)
Maxine Waters’ Leaky Argument Can’t Wash Away Banking Scandal Dirt (March 2009)
Hurricane Katrina Hypocrisy (March 2009)
Congressional Liberals Having Their Cake and Eating It, Too (July 2008)
Hip-Hop Hype Hurts, Just Ask Michael Vick (September 2007)
Military Service Deserves Respect in the Black Community (July 2007)
Car-Crazy Congress Set to Break the American Auto Industry (July 2007)
The Black Community’s Self-Destructive Embrace of Liberalism (October 2006)
Are Black Leaders Guilty of “Criminal Neglect”? (November 2005)
The Perceived Stupidity of the Black Voter (July 2005)
Bill Cosby, You Say the Darndest Things (June 2004)
Some of My Best Friends are Black: A Business Proposal (June 2004)
Elitist Environmentalists Say “No Thanks” to New Jobs (April 2004)
It’s Only Disfranchisement When Liberals Lose (October 2003)
The Reparations Pipe Dream and the Tax Cut Reality (June 2003)
The Need for Regime Change in Black America (May 2003)