Project 21 Ambassador Marie “Miriam” Fischer is an IT specialist with over 20 years of experience, and has worked as a freelance political consultant on various state campaigns in Maryland.
Marie, an Orthodox convert to Judaism, is currently the director of communities for Herut North America as well as a lifetime member of Hadassah. Marie has previously served as the director for community relations for #JEXIT, a board member of the Baltimore Zionist District, the immediate past chair of the Maryland Republican Jewish Council as well as the previous 2nd vice president for the Maryland Federation of Republican Women (MFRW).
In May 2019, Marie was featured on Breitbart as one of the speakers at the initial #JEXIT rally in Washington, D.C., where she spoke about how she has dealt with more antisemitism than racism. She was also a speaker at the #NOFEAR rally in July 2021, encouraging others to fight antisemitism.
Marie has additionally appeared on Sirius XM’s POTUS, OANN’s Weekly Briefing, CBS News Radio’s Weekend Roundup and Newsmax TV. Her writings on antisemitism and other topics have appeared in The Federalist, The Hill, Politichicks and The Daily Caller. Her conversion story was written up in the book “Your People Are My People: Inspiring Stories of Converts to Judaism” by Dr. Yisroel Juskowitz
Originally from Memphis, Tennessee, Marie attended NYU and Touro College and has a liberal arts degree. She is now a new resident of Ocala, FL with her husband, two children and her mother.
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