Steven Mosley

Project 21 Ambassador Steven Mosley is a Christian speaker and political consultant.

Steven hosts the Facts, Opinions and Rants podcast, in which he focuses on the integration of faith and public policy on a range of issues — from the impact of COVID-19 on the church to Critical Race Theory.

School choice is growing in popularity among black and Hispanic Americans in part due to advocates like Steven, who made school choice a centerpiece of his campaign when he ran for the Fairfax County School Board in Northern Virginia in 2019. Steven believes that parents, not zip codes, should determine where and how their students are educated. Steven has also served on northern Virginia political campaigns as a prayer leader and campaign consultant.

As a decade-long college educator and administrator, Steven knows firsthand that mentorship programs and restorative practices can have a positive impact on student success and bridging the achievement gap, particularly for black males.

As a husband and the product of a two-parent home, Steven advocates for the “Success Sequence” as the best poverty-breaking tool known to man.

Steven is an ordained Baptist reverend. His mission is to make disciples who live and think like Jesus and who impact people and policy for the glory of God.


How Conservatives Should Honor the Legacy of MLK (, January 2025)

The Success Sequence — An Alternative To Radical School Indoctrination (Issues & Insights, August 2022)

Charter Schools Would Give Parents Options (September 2019)

Public Appearances:

Steven With Genny Gentles (Escape Your Government Assigned Public School Podcast) Discussion on Steven’s story of running for office, and school choice: EYGAS: Steven Mosley ( (June 2022)

On the Chuck Woolery Podcasts: PodcastOne: The Racist History of Planned Parenthood – an Interview with Steven Mosley (June 2022)

Back the Blue Rally (May 2021; Mosley is featured 22:40- 29:20)

Blexit VA Discussion on School Choice (Nov. 2020)

WMAL Roundtable With Fairfax County Board Candidates (Nov. 2019; Mosley is featured 4:23- 7:26)

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.