Project 21 member Tasha Phelps is a nationally-recognized authority on information technology (IT) and cybersecurity. As a current voting member of the Indiana Executive Council on Cyber Security, she is often engaged in conversations of matters directly impacting the well-being of citizens of the state of Indiana.
Because of her antiterrorism cybersecurity training with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Tasha has been called upon to support sophisticated security solutions for clients across the country. With experience extending beyond managing IT and communications deployments, she is also a valued consultant – employing her unique perspective of experiences to drive innovation with public safety, systems architecture and policy design.
Tasha dedicates significant time to civic engagement because she understands the impact of being involved. She was among the Indiana Business Journal’s “Forty Under 40” in 2007 and is also a graduate of the Stanley K. Lacy Leadership Series, a recipient of the Indiana Torchbearer Award from the Indiana Commission for Women and an alumni of the FBI Citizens Academy. She was appointed precinct committeewoman for WA062, and is president of the Greater Indianapolis Republican Women’s Club – the first woman of color to hold the position.