Dear Member of Congress: As Chairman of the African-American leadership group Project 21, I am writing to let you know about a disturbing trend: the burning of black churches. Since January 1995, 17 churches in Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee ...
Who Speaks for America? Pat Buchanan or the Beltway? – March, 1996
Outcome-Based Education: Why Creative Learning Should Not Replace Real Learning, by Camille Harper
Let Us Mark The End of Racial Preferences with the Beginning of Equal Opportunity, by Carl Cohen
Group Assails Abuse of Entitlement Programs by Immigrants – 2/96
Contract With Black America Fulfilled: New Empowerment Legislation Introduced – February 1996
Project 21 Letter to the Congress of the United States on Church Burnings
Food and Drug Administration Takes on the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments, by Nate Stewart
Project 21 Letter to the Congress of the United States on Church Burnings – 2/96
Renewing Communities by Helping Business: Summary of Business Provisions in H.R. 3467, The American Community Renewal Act of 1996
Congressional Resolution on Church Burnings