Smart growth

Looting, Lockdowns Lead Business to Flee the Liberal Metropolis /
Liberals have never been fans of the American ideal of manifest destiny. Imagine how they must feel now that the policies and attitudes for which they’ve been advocating are causing people to want to spread out. It’s an urban sprawl nightmare, as Americans scorn the densely packed urban centers of ...

Oregon Standoff is Just a Symptom of a Much Larger Problem Congress Can Help Fix

Press Release /
National Center for Public Policy Research Calls for Three-Step Plan to Help Relieve the Rural West Washington, D.C. - As the country continues to focus on the ongoing standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, the National Center for Public Policy Research reminds federal elected officials in Washington ...

Senators Cruz and Coburn Vow to Stop Scheme to Include Massive Pork in Defense Authorization Bill /
Should controversial legislation that has not been debated and which is completely irrelevant to our national defense be included in the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA? The office of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) says no, and Senator Cruz and Senator Tom Coburn (R-TX) have vowed to stop it ...

Think Progress is Wrong to Claim Protecting Lands for Future Generations is a “Uniquely American” Idea /
I've been writing about Think Progress' announcement Friday of a new series dedicated to convincing Americans that anyone who believes our federal government should own less than 28 percent of our national land area is a wild-eyed right-wing fringe radical. Friday I noted how unfair it is that western states ...

Think Progress is Wrong to Equate Federal Ownership of Land with Public Access to Those Lands /
I wrote yesterday of the left-wing special interest group Think Progress' rather silly belief that in owning 28 percent of the nation's land area, the federal government owns exactly the right amount of land (or possibly not enough?) and that if the feds owned any less, dangerous harm to America's ...

Think Progress is Wrong to Claim the Federal Government Should Own 28% or More of America’s Lands /
Ever fearful that someone other than our Washington overlords might have some power and influence, the ever-creative Think Progress announced today a new series intended to demonize anyone who believes it makes sense for the federal government to own less land than 28 percent of America's land area. A premise ...

Growing the Federal Government Further is Not a Conservative Idea /
Writing in the American Spectator, Senior Fellow R.J. Smith has written an excellent rebuttal to a rather odd press release by the R Street Institute calling for the federal government to further expand federal land conservation programs. The R Street press release contends that the federal government should acquire more ...

Reagan Was Not a Land-Grabber: Ridenour Weighs In on Smith vs. Lehrer Debate /
The R Street Institute's Eli Lehrer just wrote a rebuttal of Robert J. Smith's article in the American Spectator critical of R Street's advocacy of national monument designations. Here's why Smith is right and Lehrer is wrong. The R Street Institute's original press release trumpeting the Mount St. Helen Volcanic ...

This Absentee Landlord Neglects 600 Million Acres

How do you feel about an absentee landlord who accumulate acres and acres of productive land, then neglects it so it produces little and becomes so overgrown it’s a fire hazard to the neighbors? Not good, right? Well, that absentee landlord is you. As U.S. citizens, you now own over ...

Shining Bright /
What do you call a jewelry company that boycotts a mine that doesn’t even exist?  Well, they call themselves “the Diamond Store.”  I call them anti-American. You probably know them as Zales. If you care about American jobs and American security, take my advice this holiday season – don’t shop ...

Zales Executives Claim Ignorance on Jobs-Killing Pledge Despite Potential to Harm American Workers, American Security and National Sovereignty

Press Release /
Jeweler Will "Look Into" Its Past Endorsement of Radical Environmental Boycott of American Gold and Other Precious Metals from Alaska's Pebble Mine Irving, TX / Washington, D.C. - Today, at the Zales annual meeting of shareholders in Irving, Texas, National Center for Public Policy Research Free Enterprise Project Director Justin ...

Conservation Easements and the Anti-Farm Farm Bill, by Dana J. Gattuso

National Policy Analysis #645 /
The September 30th deadline has come and gone, and Congress has not passed a new farm bill. And while farm special interests bemoan that Congress fiddled while Rome burns, the outcome is actually good for American taxpayers who would have funded a bloated, subsidy-stuffed trillion dollar farm bill. Even the ...

Obama’s Wild Lands Will Hasten America’s Decline

The political tremors sweeping across the Middle East and North Africa are a vivid reminder that our prosperity and security often hinge on developments over which we have precious little control. This unsettling truth makes it imperative that we make wise use of the things over which we do have ...

Controversial Clean Water Restoration Act May Be Part of Omnibus Land-Grab Package /
Last year, Senate Democrats sought to pass the Clean Water Restoration Act that would have expanded the federal government’s ability to regulate activities on “navigable waters,” as required under the Clean Water Act, to any activity on or in all waters in the U.S., including ponds, streams, and ditches. The ...

Reid’s Lame-Duck Lands Bill Threatens Border Security

Press Release /
Washington, D.C. - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is fast-tracking over 100 federal land-acquisition bills for action during the lame-duck session, despite warnings from Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers that Reid's effort, if successful, would harm U.S. efforts to ...

High On America’s Christmas List: Get the Federal Government out of Managing our Lands /
Source: Kevin Eddy, Flickr.comAs the election showed, the American people would not approve Sen. Reid’s efforts to sneak through a massive, far-reaching omnibus package that would buy up and tie up millions of acres of federal lands. Sadly, the people have no say in the matter. The federal lands omnibus ...

Border Security Threatened by Lame-Duck Lands Bill, by Dana Joel Gattuso

National Policy Analysis #616 /
With his time running out, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is expected to try to force a massive omnibus lands bill1 through Congress. If passed, the mega-package would buy up and tie up millions of acres of land in over 13 states -- and worse, increase the national security ...

Beware Federal Land Acquisition Efforts during Lame Duck /
Source: iStockphoto.comLame-duck sessions can be a dangerous time for the very reason that key legislation can pass absent public accountability. Lawmakers who were not asked by voters to return to Washington after the first of the year—and there are a lot of them—may believe they have nothing to lose and ...

What’s Happening Now /
Is national health insurance Constitutional? No. Not convinced yet? Go here then. "It's almost as if the president has no experience..." Ya think? What planet is this guy on? Independence Institute: Medical coverage is like a game show. (90 sec. video) Write about the Fifth Amendment, get sued. Death panels ...

What’s Happening Now /
Why hasn't David Axelrod recused himself from ObamaCare lobbying? No sunlight in Sunny California: Touchy agency trying to force someone to surrender video he shot of it. The left told a lie? Say it ain't so! Who said it? Climate bill out of control. U.S. vs. Europe: Life Expectancy and ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.