Deneen Borelli is a member of the Project 21 black conservative network. For six years Deneen Borelli served as a full-time fellow for Project 21, before becoming director of outreach for FreedomWorks in June 2012.

Deneen is the author of the book Blacklash: How Obama and the Left are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation (Threshold Editions, March 2012).

Deneen Borelli is a Fox News Contributor and has appeared on FNC programs such as “The O’Reilly Factor,” “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” “Hannity” and “Fox and Friends.” Deneen also has appeared on Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV, MSNBC, CNN, the BBC and C-SPAN. Deneen’s commentaries on the importance of freedom and limited government have been published by newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Chicago Tribune, Sacramento Bee, Baltimore Sun, Washington Examiner and Washington Times and also online in the Daily Caller and NewsMax. Deneen also has testified before the House Committee on Natural Resources and frequently spoken at rallies and events, including the FreedomWorks 9.12 rally in 2010 that drew a crowd estimated at over 800,000 people.

Deneen Borelli has served on the Board of Trustees with The Opportunity Charter School in Harlem, New York and as Manager of Media Relations with the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).  In that capacity, Deneen was executive producer and co-host on “The CORE Hour,” a weekly internet radio talk show.  Prior to joining CORE, Deneen worked at Philip Morris USA for 20 years.

Deneen has appeared in educational videos for children, worked as a runway fashion model, and auditioned for television commercials.  Her interests include ancient history, pistol target shooting, photography, and volunteering at her church.  Deneen has a B.A. in Managerial Marketing from Pace University, New York. She resides in Westchester County, New York.

Sample of Public Appearances by Deneen Borelli:

On Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses women in combat and coffeeshops (5/27/12)

On Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen says Nancy Pelosi is “exaggerating” about Chinese human rights advances (5/20/12)

On Fox News Channel’s “Happening Now,” Deneen says President Obama has “thrown the black community… under the bus” with the announcement of his support for same-sex marriage (5/15/12)

On Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen notes that it is good to know that the war on terrorism is still taking the fight to the terrorists’ bases rather than only concentrating on frisking American kids and the elderly in airports (5/13/12)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen debates gay marriage, Islamic law and gender politics (5/6/12)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen says that Obama and Holder are partly responsible for the “ginned up” racial tensions over the Trayvon Martin shooting (4/9/12)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses presidential responsibility, missile defense, and ObamaCare (3/31/12)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America Live,” Deneen says Obama’s energy policy is “a war against hard-working Americans” (3/30/12)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen says Obama needs to control Trayvon-related radicalism (3/29/12)

On the Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” Deneen discusses the Left’s war on free speech (3/22/12)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen discusses Alexandra Pelosi’s new film short of people in line at a New York City welfare office (3/19/12)

On, Deneen discusses discrimination against black conservatives (3/13/12)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen talks about the state of the economy and a potential new green crony capitalist mishap involving the Danish carmaker Fisker (3/10/12)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen says Obama has done more to push people to welfare than to stabilize the American economy (3/6/12)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen talks about assaults on faith by entertainers and the Obama Administration (2/13/12)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses NYU courses about Occupy Wall Street as well as criticism of the Rudolph story (12/10/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses NYU courses about Occupy Wall Street as well as criticism of the Rudolph story (12/10/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen says President Obama is “responsible for our failed economy and high unemployment” (12/10/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America Live,” Deneen says AG Eric Holder should “produce the documents or step down” with regard to the failed “Operation Fast and Furious” sting (12/9/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses new revelations that smartphones could be turned into tools to track Americans (12/3/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen criticizes Obama’s economic policies (12/2/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses the failure of the deficit-related congressional supercommittee as well as taxpayer costs for Occupy protests (11/26/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses school-related issues such as bans on balls and the alleged “sex crime” of two 12-year-olds kissing on the playground (11/19/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen calls the debt-related congressional “supercommittee” a “super cop-out” (11/19/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen argues for the privatization of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) (10/30/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses reality TV’s bad influence (10/23/11)

On the Fox Business Network’s “Follow the Money,” Deneen says it’s “insane” for President Obama to equate the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements (10/19/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen notes that the Occupy Wall Street effort fails to police itself in the way that the Tea Party movement has dealt with radical supporters (10/17/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen laments the politicization of the MLK Memorial dedication (10/16/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen cites the differences between MLK’s legacy and the Occupy Wall Street agenda (10/15/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen says Obama is right on antiterrorism tactic, wrong on shifting economic blame (10/1/11)

On the Fox Business Network’s “Follow the Money,” Deneen complains that Congressional Black Caucus members are “not being independent thinkers” (9/26/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Deneen says Morgan Freeman’s tea party accusation is “utterly outrageous” and “dangerous” (9/26/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen calls the recent repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy a “purely political” move (9/25/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen notes that Obama no longer appears interested in maintaining a civil discourse on the issues (9/19/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen says Obama’s class warfare is “not solving the problem” (9/19/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen says giving stimulus money to Solyndra was an apparent case of crony capitalism that is “just the tip of the iceberg” (9/17/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses how 9/11 changed America (9/10/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen says today’s “battle of ideas” over big and small government came about in large part because of September 11th (9/10/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Deneen responds to Rep. Carson’s hateful comments about the tea party (9/1/11)

On the Fox Business Network’s “FreedomWatch,” Deneen says the policies of Pres. Obama and the Congressional Black Caucus are why U.S. faces economic stagnation and joblessness (8/31/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen says more EPA regulations will mean fewer jobs (8/30/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” Deneen discusses President Obama’s plan for Alan Krueger to head his Council of Economic Advisers (8/29/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,”, Deneen says overregulation is “killing our economy and killing jobs” (8/27/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen discusses the economic costs of new EPA rules (8/21/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America Live,” Deneen discusses what President Obama should include in his much-anticipated jobs plan (8/19/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen and Mark Levine debate the merits of expanding the food stamp program (8/18/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News HQ,” Deneen discusses the Philadelphia curfew, atheistic bus ads, reading to dogs, and the Barefoot Bandit’s movie deal (8/14/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News HQ,” Deneen discusses a Long Island school district’s decision to install surveillance cameras (8/13/11)

On the Fox Business Network’s “The Tom Sullivan Show,” Deneen says the U.S.’s fat food stamp roll indicates a White House lean on economic ideas (8/13/11)

On the Fox Business Network’s “Freedom Watch,” Deneen points out to Judge Andrew Napolitano that the downgrade by Standard and Poor’s came from excessive spending and “Obama’s failed policies” that are the opposite of what is advocated by tea partiers (8/10/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Happening Now,” Deneen says the credit downgrade “blame game” needs to stop and Obama needs to step up and lead (8/9/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen says the decision by Standard and Poor’s to downgrade the U.S. credit rating is likely based on the recent debt ceiling compromise not offering a valid solution to government spending (8/7/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses spending, suing, and social networking (8/6/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses whether taxpayer dollars should be spent on teen smoking surveys and birth control (7/24/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America Live,” Deneen discusses citizen frustration with politics as usual (7/20/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen says that the American people “want to see true leadership” in decreasing the debt and getting spending under control (7/16/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America Live,” Deneen discusses the liberal war against conserative women (7/15/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen says “the mainstream media has it in for conservative women” (7/3/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses Dominique Strauss-Khan, Shriver v. Schwarzenegger and gender-neutral classrooms (7/2/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America Live,” Deneen calls President Obama’s decision to siphon 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve a “bad move” and a “big mistake” (6/23/11)

\On the Fox News Channel’s “Glenn Beck,” Deneen and Tom Borelli discuss how the Obama energy agenda is picking corporate winners and losers to advance a policy that is sure to hurt consumers and the economy as a whole (6/21/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen says student food choices should be the responsibility of parents and that administrators should be “much more concerned about the graduation rates” (6/19/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen talks about Jon Stewart’s admission of the media’s liberal bias, why English should be considered the official language of government in America and how the scourge of baggy pants caused air traffic delays (6/19/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen discusses the tea party movement and the banking industry’s support of Obama policies (6/15/11)

On the Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Deneen says President Obama’s green jobs agenda is nothing more than “wealth redistribution” (6/13/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen discusses the “political witch hunt” against Sarah Palin and Rep. Weiner’s Tweet saga (6/12/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses the arrogance of politicians such as John Edwards and Anthony Weiner (6/11/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen discusses Chris Christie, John Edwards and costly new federal nutrition standards (6/4/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen discusses the Google board’s conflict of interest problem (6/3/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen discusses Gov. Mike Huckabee’s decision not to run for President (5/15/11)

On the Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Deneen says “CEOs are pushing policies that are harmful to our country” (5/6/11)

On the Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Deneen says the death of Osama Bin Laden didn’t jump-start the economy (5/6/11)

On the Fox Business Network’s “Tom Sullivan Show,” Deneen discusses high-speed rail, lax air traffic controllers and Donald Trump (4/23/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen notes that Obama’s war on fossil fuels is limiting access to energy sources and hurting average Americans (4/23/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen discusses Donald Trump and energy policy (4/21/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America Live,” Deneen says America needs “affordable, reliable energy” (4/21/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen says Congress “can do better” on the budget negotiations (4/10/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen calls the unwillingness of liberals to substantially cut spending an act of “gross negligence” (4/3/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen discusses the budget debate as well as Obama’s troubled ties to Van Jones, Jeremiah Wright and possibly Louis Farrakhan (3/31/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen debates liberal political strategist Christopher Hahn on the Wisconsin protests (2/20/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News Headquarters,” Deneen says that Wisc. Gov. Scott Walker is “taking a stand on principle” to eliminate his state’s budget deficit (2/19/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro,” Deneen says the protests in Madison, WI are “an assault on the taxpayers of Wisconsin” (2/19/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” Deneen says Pepsi’s Super Bowl ad provokes “selective outrage” among black leaders (2/10/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen advocates for helping underperforming minority students (1/28/11)

On Vicki McKenna’s WIBA-Madison radio show, Deneen discusses the unrealistic energy goals of President Barack Obama as laid out in his State of the Union Address (1/26/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen presents a new commercial that asks CEO Jeff Immelt to resign his position with GE (1/25/11)

On the Fox Business Network’s “The Tom Sullivan Show,” Deneen says the Fairness Doctrine proposal is a “knee-jerk reaction” by liberal lawmakers (1/15/11)

On the Fox Business Network’s “The Willis Report,” Deneen discusses the risks to some investors should the SEC force Facebook to go public (1/10/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America Live with Megyn Kelly,” Deneen talks about issues that include politicians’ poor treatment of a fallen soldier and the rumored engagement of former senator John Edwards (1/7/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen says the results of the last election show people are “tired of government gone wild” (1/5/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen notes the media is “on board” with Obama Administration energy policies designed to drive up the price of fossil fuels (1/5/11)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen says President Obama has “lost the confidence” of the American people (12/22/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen discusses excessive government spending (12/18/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen criticizes the idea of further extending unemployment benefits (12/18/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen talks about the government’s need to stop earmarks and out-of-control spending (12/15/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen discusses gun rights in the aftermath of a school board shooting (12/15/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen discusses a new poll showing that conservatives and tea party activists are significantly less likely to want to patronize businesses that support big government policies (11/26/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen analyzes airport security measures (11/19/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen discusses Sarah Palin’s presidential possibilities (11/19/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen debates Nancy Pelosi’s legacy (11/12/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen discusses the overtly partisan political agenda of the current NAACP leadership (10/21/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Happening Now,” Deneen talks about extending the Bush tax cuts (10/21/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Happening Now,” Deneen talks about the firing of Juan Wiliiams from National Public Radio (10/21/10)

Deneen Borelli speaks to the crowd at the Tea Party rally in Washington, D.C. (9/12/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox and Friends,” Deneen discusses the impact of President Obama’s economic policies on his job approval numbers (9/5/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “America Live,” Deneen discusses paparazzi, George Clooney, Darfur and Sarah Palin (9/3/10)

On the Fox News Channel’s “Fox and Friends,” Deneen discusses the Obama Administration’s Iraq policy (8/29/10)

On the Fox News Channel, Deneen calls President Obama’s UN human rights report the “Obama Apology Tour on Steroids” (8/26/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen discusses what Vice President Joe Biden calls 2010’s economic “recovery summer” (8/25/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Deneen discusses recent poll numbers reflecting public dissatisfaction with President Obama’s policy agenda (8/25/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen talks about singer Sheryl Crow’s song critical of Sarah Palin (8/19/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “America Live,” Deneen discusses increasing public opposition to the President’s takeover of America’s health care system (8/18/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen Borelli discusses the posting of sensitive military files on the Wikileaks website and the Obama Administration’s continuing practice of blaming the Bush Administration for bad news (8/6/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen Borelli talks about the controversial mosque planned for the Ground Zero neighborhood (8/6/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “America Live,” Deneen talks about what she calls the “progressives’ assault on our liberty” in regards to Gisele Bundchen and PETA (8/4/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Geraldo At Large,” Deneen’s involvement in Philadelphia’s Uni-Tea Party rally is highlighted (7/31/10)

On the Fox affiliate station in Philadelphia, Deneen is featured in a story about the inclusiveness of the Tea Party movement

At Philadelphia’s Uni-Tea Rally, Deneen Borelli discusses “Progressives Gone Wild” (7/31/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Geraldo At Large,” Deneen participates in a debate about denouncing racism (7/17/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Deneen chastises NAACP senior vice president Hilary Shelton over his group’s resolution alleging racism within the tea party movement (7/17/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen discusses President Obama’s declining popularity (7/16/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen discusses the NAACP’s resolution against alleged tea party racism (7/14/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen predicts that Hillary Clinton will decide to challenge Obama in the 2012 primaries (7/14/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen discusses the mounting criticism of President Obama’s handling of the oil spill — including former President Clinton’s criticism (6/30/10)

On Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck program, Deneen asks David Barton about black patriots (6/25/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Deneen discusses whether the Obama Administration is “in free-fall” (6/11/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “America Live,” Deneen debates Juan Williams over whether there’s a race issue at play in the Gulf spill issue (6/9/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen criticizes President Obama’s inability to handle the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and his war against fossil fuels (6/8/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen discusses how liberals are now throwing their leadership under the bus for not going far enough to the left (6/8/10)

On Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck program, Deneen asks when the rich history of the contributions of black Founders was erased from our popular histories (5/28/10)

On Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Deneen lambasts President Obama’s inattention to the Gulf oil spill (5/26/10)

On “Fox and Friends,” Deneen critiques the performance of Attorney General Eric Holder (5/16/10)

On “Fox and Friends,” Deneen disputes Tea Party race bias study (4/28/10)

On “Fox and Friends,” Deneen calls on President Obama to attend a Tea Party rally (4/16/10)

Deneen speaks at D.C. Tax Day Tea Party (4/15/10)

Deneen and Tom Borelli discuss the Tax Day Tea Parties, taxation, ObamaCare, and cap-and-trade on G. Gordon Liddy’s national radio program (4/15/10)

Deneen discusses the American Dream on “Hannity” (3/16/10)

On “Fox and Friends,” Deneen debates Al Sharpton on jobs (2/12/10)

On “Fox and Friends,” Deneen discusses President Obama’s jobs agenda, tea parties and more (2/7/10)

On “Fox and Friends,” Deneen discusses populism and the rise of the Tea Party movement (2/1/10)

Deneen discusses green jobs on the Glenn Beck program (1/14/10)

Deneen on Sean Hannity’s “Great American Panel” (12/28/09)

On the Fox News Channel, Deneen says President Obama must nix cap-and-trade if he cares about jobs (12/6/09)

Deneen discusses the GM bankruptcy on the public affairs program “New Jersey Now” on MY9 WWOR-TV (6/14/09; segment begins approximately 10 1/2 minutes into the program)

Deneen discusses the nomination of Judge Sotomayor on the public affairs program “New Jersey Now” on MY9 WWOR-TV (6/7/09; segment begins approximately 15 minutes into the program)

Deneen challenges James Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, to stand up to Jesse Jackson (JPMorganChase 2008 Annual Shareholders Meeting, 5/20/08, .wmv file, 8.64 MB)

Interview with Mark Carbonaro on “Wake Up Monterey” (4/29/08, mp3 file, 3.72 MB)

Publications by Deneen Borelli:

There’s More Trouble With ObamaCare Than the Mandate! (April 2012)

Out of Touch Obama (March 2012)

Why Voter ID Should Matter to Americans of All Races (February 2012)

Obama Pushes Unwise Energy Policy (February 2012)

Certain Signs of Societal Decline (January 2012)

Morgan Freeman is Wrong (October 2011)

Where’s the Proof to Crazy Claims About the Tea Party? (September 2011)

Wasserman Schultz’s Racial Double Standard (August 2011)

Obama’s Policies are Causing Moral and Economic Decline (July 2011)

Obama’s Energy Policy Benefits America’s Elites (June 2011)

Tea Party Not to Blame for Budget Breakdown (April 2011)

Obama is Not Heeding to the Lesson of Wisconsin (March 2011)

Racism Double Standard at the NAACP (March 2011)

Obama Energy Policy to Create a Winter of Discontent (January 2011)

NAACP Chief Plays False Race Card Against Beck Supporters (October 2010)

Liberals Crash Tea Party, But Stay Silent On Black Panther Hate Talk (July 2010)

NAACP Puts Politics Above Civil Rights (July 2010)

Climate Claims Could Raise the Prices of What You Buy (April 2010)

Advice for President Obama on Jobs: First, Do No Harm (January 2010)

Voting With Your Feet Against Disastrous Climate Change Policy (November 2009)

Cap-and-Trade is a Ball-and-Chain for Poor Americans (August 2009)

Special Treatment and Sotomayor (July 2009)

Obama’s Real Religion: Politics (June 2009)

Obama, the Pickens Plan and the Potential Fire Next Time (March 2009)

Black Backing of Barack Should Not Be Unconditional (November 2008)

Elites Denying Affordable Energy to Average Americans (October 2008)

The Civil Rights Shakedown: Myth or Reality? (July 2008)

Wright Comments Hurt Black Churches (May 2008)

A Charity Bill That Would Keep People from Giving (May 2008)

Global Warming Policies Cool Minority Economic Engines (March 2008)

Don’t Waste Your Time If You Can’t Pay the Prime (January 2008)

Global Warming Statists Threaten Our Liberty (January 2008)

Earmarks Rob Taxpayers to Benefit Politicians (December 2007)

Live from New York, It’s More Regulation (September 2007)

Diversity Doesn’t Need to Be Forced (August 2007)

CAFE Tab Too Expensive for America (July 2007)

House-Passed “Price Gouging” Bill No Relief to Consumers (June 2007)

Gun Ownership Becoming a Capital Idea (May 2007)

Oprah Shouldn’t Give Up on Our Kids (Feb. 2007)

Supremes Still Working on School Equality (Jan. 2007)

Michigan Voters Quit Quotas (Nov. 2006)

Union Activists’ Strong-Arm Tactics (Sept. 2006)

Uncle Sam Isn’t Really Your Uncle: You are the Family Member Who Has to Tell Your Kids About S-E-X (Aug. 2006)

Charter Schools Give Students the Fighting Chance They Need (July 2006)

Reckless Anti-Rice Rants Mars Students’ Big Day (May 2006)

School Choice Defeat Leaves Minority Students in Florida With No Choice (April 2006)

Urban Communities Lose When Trial Lawyers Win (April 2006)

Terrell Owens Can Teach Kids That Actions Have Consequences (Jan. 2006)

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