Imagine if your bank closed your account or declined to process a transaction because it objected to who you voted for, where you worship, or even your so-called “carbon footprint”! Sound farfetched? Think again!
JP Morgan Chase is denying service to fossil fuel companies and firearms manufacturers simply because those entities don’t align with the bank’s leftist politics.
But Chase’s debanking isn’t just targeted at oil and guns. They’re coming for your free speech and religious liberty!
Recently, Chase closed the account of a religious liberty-focused nonprofit group headed by former U.S. Ambassador Sam Brownback, without explanation. Chase then demanded that the nonprofit disclose its top donors and provide a list of the criteria used for selecting political candidates it planned to support, as a condition of resuming service!
If Chase can debank a former U.S. Ambassador for arbitrary or discriminatory reasons, they can do it to anyone of their 60 million+ customers!
That’s why NCPPR is calling on Chase to respond and adhere to the standards laid out in the Viewpoint Diversity Business Index, the first comprehensive measure of corporate respect for free speech and religious liberty.
By participating in the survey component of the Index and adopting its recommendations, Chase can ensure that all customers and employees are respected regardless of their religious or political views.
Sign the petition and tell Chase to respect your constitutionally protected civil liberties!