Is Al Gore to Blame for 911?

From VP & hubby David Ridenour:

Liberals claim that the Iraq war has been a needless distraction from the war on international terrorism.

But the real distraction was those 36 days in late 2000 when it wasn’t clear who would lead the United States.

It’s bad enough that Al Gore took part in an administration that for eight years did little to address the threat from Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, but by insisting on recount after recount – none of which changed the results – Al Gore prevented President-elect George Bush from getting his team in place quickly.

Eight months in office? What eight months in office?

George Bush may have been sworn in on January 20, 2001, but many of his key people weren’t confirmed by the Senate until months later. Paul Wolfowitz, for example, wasn’t confirmed until March 12, 2001 – less than six months before the terrorist attack. For less senior, yet very important positions, the delay was even longer. This may explain why so many Clinton Administration holdovers were still on the job, many months after President Bush took office.

In addition to delaying President Bush from assembling his team, those 36 days of uncertainty sent a message to international friends and foes alike: America is in disarray.

Even Richard Nixon – a man who ultimately was forced to resign in disgrace – knew the risks of sending such a dangerous message. Despite significant evidence that voting irregularities in Illinois and elsewhere had subverted
the will of the people, Nixon conceded defeat rather than contest the results.

If we’re looking for someone to blame for 9/11, I’d say Al Gore is the best candidate.

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