DirecTV Must Keep One America News Network

Tell DirecTV and Its Primary Owner AT&T to Keep OANN on the Air

DirecTV has announced plans to drop One America News Network (OANN) from its offerings. This is an obvious attempt to silence conservative voices. DirecTV made its announcement just after President Biden directed media platforms to ban co-called “misinformation” — which is liberal code for anything the hard left disagrees with. DirecTV seems to be acting as an appendage of the federal government, not an independent business.  OANN provides critical news analysis and conservative opinion that is desperately needed due the extreme liberal bias of most major media outlets. Let’s stand with OANN and tell DirecTV and AT&T to keep OANN on the air.

Petition to Tell DirecTV to Keep OANN on the Air

At a time when conservative Americans are facing unprecedented censorship in old media and social media, it is unconscionable that you would cancel One America News Network (OANN). President Biden has called on media companies to censor so-called “misinformation,” which is really left-wing code for right-of-center thought. It appears that you took him up on that dictate. We demand that DirecTV immediately reverse course and allow OANN to remain on the air.  Furthermore, as the majority owner, AT&T has a fiduciary obligation to see that DirecTV is providing the best content available. We call on AT&T’s leadership to use its influence to force DirecTV to allow OANN to remain on the air.
