News Conference on Eco-Terrorist Violence

Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise



June 6, 1997

Contact: David Ridenour of The National Center for Public Policy Research at (202) 507-6398 Or [email protected], Myron Ebell of Frontiers of Freedom at 703/527-8282 or Dave LaCourse of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise at 206/455-5038

The first comprehensive report on ecoterrorism in America will be released at a news conferences on Tuesday, June 10 at 10:00 a.m. in the Capitol Building, Room HC4.

The 336-page report, a full-length book entitled, “EcoTerror: The Violent Agenda to Save Nature – The World of the Unabomber,” details more than one thousand crimes committed “to save nature” ranging from arson, equipment sabotage and forcible obstruction to assault, attempted murder and murder.

Arrest records, convictions and prison sentences of scores of environmentalists are included, some now in positions of environmental group leadership.

EcoTerror will be released Tuesday by the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, a tax-exempt, non-partisan educational foundation based in Bellevue, Washington.

Eco Terror’s author, Ron Arnold, is a veteran award-winning journalist who has written more than 300 periodical articles, five other books and edited five books by other authors. Arnold has served since 1984 as the volunteer executive vice president of the Center.

EcoTerror will tell the behind-the-scenes story of the Unabomber investigation, indicating that the serial killer targeted his last two victims from radical environmentalist publications. The press kit will contain copies of the two radical publications.

Arnold said, “After spending five years in research and a year writing EcoTerror, I am convinced the problem of violence to save nature is growing so rapidly that it must have full congressional hearings and action.”


The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.