A New Visions Commentary paper published December 1999 by The National Center for Public Policy Research, 501 Capitol Court, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002, 202/543-4110, Fax 202/543-5975, E-Mail
[email protected], Web https://nationalcenter.org. Reprints permitted provided source is credited. When you think that ...
Year: 1999
Feminists Fight Congressional Support for Good Dads, by Jesse Lee Peterson
Bill Bradley Fouls the Civil Rights Act, by R.D. Davis
Privacy and Prejudice, by Michael King
Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet, by Tara Wall
Anti-Biotechnology Policies Backed by Some Seattle Protesters Could Cause Preventable Starvation in the Developing World
No Pleasing Environmentalists, by John Carlisle
Tastes Great, Less Filling: New Bioengineered Foods Bring Benefits to Consumers
Single Mom’s Christmas Ruined by Government Scrooge, by John Carlisle
Activists Attack Bio-Engineered Food Despite Benefits to the Poor and the Sick; Environmental Groups Join in Attack on Technology that Aids the Environment
Does Clinton Care About Civil Rights? Justice Department Refuses to Prosecute, Covers Up Alleged Black Murders