Horace Cooper Interview on “Ghost Voting”

National Center Adjunct Fellow and Project 21 spokesman Horace Cooper recently did an interview with CNSNews about his paper on “ghost voting” and the need for stronger protections against ballot fraud:

The interview came about due to Horace’s new National Policy Analysis for the National Center, “When the Dead Vote, the Living Suffer: Department of Justice is Wrong to Oppose Voter ID.”

In that paper, Horace wrote:

Some states and jurisdictions might be understandably concerned that “ghost voting” and other types of voter fraud are allowed to run rampant when state-ID isn’t required. Indeed, thirty-one states currently demand some form of valid identification before voters can pull the lever for their favored candidate, and states are increasingly looking for constitutional ways to strengthen their voting laws in an effort to clamp down on election fraud.

Unfortunately, many of the common sense efforts being tried by states have been resisted by the Obama Administration, and legally challenged by its politically-charged Department of Justice.

The irony is that minorities know full well the history of voter suppression techniques. American history is replete with examples of poll taxes, literacy tests and even physical intimidation designed to limit the exercise of the franchise. Ghost voting is just as sinister and is even harder to detect.

Yet voter ID is a straightforward solution that the DOJ ought to be demanding, rather than opposing.

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