Bake Sale Ban Repealed: Freedom (and Cupcake) Lovers Win Quick Victory

BakeSaleBerryTartsiStockConservative activists — let’s expand that to include all people of good sense — won a rare quick victory in the “bake sale ban” controversy, which began Tuesday and ended Thursday with the administration of Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick backing down on plans to ban bake sales in the commonwealth’s public schools.

The ban was quickly repealed following a public uproar, which led to a vote to repeal the ban in the Massachusetts state House and an order by Governor Patrick to the state’s Department of Public Health to lift the ban.

The National Center for Public Policy Research was extremely active in publicizing the ban, helping instigate the public revolt that restored the rights of localities to set their own policies, and send a message to nanny state activists across the country.

These are among the many National Center activities that helped lead to this rollback:

Jeff Stier, interview, WXKS Boston, May 8

Jeff Stier, interview, KNX Los Angeles, May 8

Jeff Stier, interview, Terry Lowry syndicated radio (11 markets), May 9

Jeff Stier, interview, WTPL Concord, May 9

Jeff Stier, CNS News, May 9

David Almasi, interview, Brad Davis syndicated radio (4 markets), May 9

Jeff Stier, interview, G. Gordon Liddy syndicated radio (150+ markets), May 9

Jeff Stier, interview, WYSL Rochester, May 9

Cherylyn LeBon, interview, WFOY St Augustine, May 9

Op/Ed, “Opinion: Obesity Forecast is Overblown,” New York Newsday, May 9, by Jeff Stier and David W. Almasi

Cherylyn LeBon, interview, WEAA Baltimore, May 9

Cherylyn LeBon, interview, Falls Radio Network (3 markets), May 9

Jeff Stier, interview, WIBA/WISN Madison/Milwaukee, May 10

Cherylyn LeBon, interview, KVEL NE Utah, May 10

David Almasi, interview, WCam & Company (NRA News)

Jeff Stier, interview, WGSO New Orleans, May 11

Cherylyn LeBon, interview, American Family Radio/One News Now, May 11

Jeff Stier, website, The Hay Ride

National Center personnel are continuing research and public education efforts on many nanny state issues.

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.