Together We Can Build Freedom’s Embassy

Dear friends of the National Center, Project 21 and the Free Enterprise Project,

With the radical left in charge of Congress and the White House and determined to fast-track our country into socialism…

With corporate America fighting common-sense state level efforts to protect election integrity…

With radical Critical Race Theory spreading throughout school systems pitting one racial group against another to advance a Marxist agenda…

And with Corporate America becoming increasingly anti-American – recklessly sponsoring the left and its dangerous “cancel culture” censorship and riots in our major cities…

…it’s clear: We are in an epic struggle for the very survival of American liberty.

Simply fighting rear-guard defensive, merely holding the line, isn’t enough. We must play offense.

Your National Center has always been a lean, mean fighting machine that punches way above its weight. You’d be hard pressed to find a group that gets better bang for the buck.

But now we’re about to become even more effective…

…In just 45 days, we’ll close on a new national headquarters that will allow us to significantly increase our staff and our impact.

We call it “Freedom’s Embassy” and it will allow us to:

  • Tilt the battlefield in conservatives’ favor by allowing us to train up a new generation of black and Hispanic conservatives and build the conservative majority of tomorrow;
  • Take on “woke” corporations conspiring with the Big Government left to undermine freedom and free enterprise;
  • Fight radicals promoting Critical Race Theory through which they seek to advance a Marxist agenda;
  • Build and lead a coalition to coordinate grassroots action against corporations advancing the left’s agenda at shareholder expense;
  • And much more.

The timing has never been better to build Freedom’s Embassy!

In just six weeks, we’re closing on a new office building large enough to meet our needs for years to come in an upscale area in Washington, DC known as “Embassy Row.” I’ve included an image above.

We’re taking advantage of a COVID-19-precipitated building glut to buy Freedom’s Embassy at a bargain-basement price that’s $773,860 below its assessed value and 26% below its asking price.

The key to our plan, however, is acting NOW… before the commercial DC real estate market recovers.

And the key is acting NOW… before a generous matching gift offered by one of our most generous supporters expires.

The donor offered to match every single donation we receive dollar-for-dollar between now and closing up to a maximum of $100,000.

Your gift of $100 would provide us with $200 to put toward the building. Your gift of $1,000 would give us $2,000. A $5,000 gift would give us $10,000 and so on.

Friend, help us build Freedom’s Embassy!

Gifts of $10,000 may qualify you for a naming opportunity, such as the right to have an office, work area, conference room or training center named in your honor. (Contact me directly at [email protected] to learn more.)

But hurry… these are limited time opportunities.

Freedom’s Embassy will allow us to expand our staff and our impact. Demand for our one-of-a-kind programs is at an all-time high and we must hire more staff in order meet the demand. The only thing holding us back is the lack of space.

Even with the lean, mean staff we currently have, our record of success is extraordinary…

  • Our Free Enterprise Project briefed a group of Senators on what they could do to combat woke corporations and that briefing culminated in the introduction of a bill to make it easier for shareholders to sue corporations when they engage in liberal activism against shareholder interests;
  • Members of our Project 21 black leadership network have appeared on TV an average of TWO TIMES PER DAY speaking out against Black Lives Matter, opposing Critical Race Theory and supporting the values you and I share, including appearances on Fox’s “Ingraham Angle” and “Tucker Carlson Tonight” and even on CNN;
  • Our Free Enterprise Project took the CEOs of Pfizer, Bank of America, Federal Express, Levi-Strauss and Delta to task over their characterizations of Georgia’s election reform as “racist,” challenging them to identify the provisions they considered “racist.” Unable to do so, all but Levi-Strauss’ CEO walked back their criticism of the law and as a consequence many corporations chose to stay out of the fight over Texas’ election law;
  • Project 21 members have been interviewed on radio more than once per day in 2021;
  • Our Free Enterprise Project sponsored a petition campaign criticizing PepsiCo for funding Black Lives Matter through its Gatorade subsidiary that prompted the company to end funding for the group;
  • And much more.

These are just a few of our many successes. Our new headquarters will allow us to expand critical staff allowing us to accomplish much, much more.

Please consider making a maximum, tax-deductible donation today to help us take advantage of this limited-time opportunity to expand our success and multiply our effectiveness.

But hurry… the chance to double the value of your gift is limited. If you’re able to make an especially generous gift of $1,000 or more, I’ll be pleased to include your name on a special plaque on our Ambassador’s Wall in our new headquarters’ foyer. If you’re able to donate $10,000 or more, I’d be honored to name a workspace, office or other prominent area after you.

To preserve liberty, we must not only stand our ground… we must go on the offensive!

We can only do so with your generous support of Freedom’s Embassy.

I’d be grateful for any support you can provide. Thank you for all you do.

Friend, help us build Freedom’s Embassy!

In freedom,

David Ridenour




David A. Ridenour

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.