Ultra-Woke CEO Chip Bergh Turned Levi’s Into a Leftist Think Tank

Levi Strauss & Co. CEO Chip Bergh has radically transformed the classic American blue jeans maker into a near political action group by his aggressive implementation of his personal policy preferences both throughout the company and in public posturing.

In the recently-released 2022 edition of “Balancing the Boardroom: How Conservatives Can Combat Corporate Wokeness,” the Free Enterprise Project (FEP) outlines in detail how Bergh has tarnished the Levi’s brand by continuously leveraging the full weight of the company behind an increasingly far-left agenda.

As we write in “Balancing the Boardroom“:

Chip Bergh’s far-left advocacy stretches across a wide array of issues, including denouncing election-integrity legislation and labeling its advocates racists; pushing for – and spending millions of dollars on – increased gun control; and propagating climate hysteria, calling it a “burning global emergency.”

FEP will be challenging Bergh at Levi’s annual shareholder meeting on April 20 at 1:30 p.m ET. If you own shares in Levi Strauss & Co., you can attend the virtual meeting as well and vote “no” regarding the retention of Bergh as CEO. Levi’s annual proxy statement and instructions on how to attend the meeting can be found here.

To read more about Bergh in “Balancing the Boardroom,” click here. “Balancing the Boardroom” is a comprehensive guide for center/right investors who desire to utilize their shareholder proxies to protest the most hard-left CEOs and board members in America.

Chip Bergh

Chip Bergh

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.