
Rev. David Lowery, Jr.: Chicago’s Death Spiral

“The citizens of Chicago have had enough!” declares Project 21 Ambassador Rev. David Lowery, Jr., in a commentary published at Newsmax.

He continues:

They have had enough of funding illegal aliens with their hard-earned tax dollars. They have had enough with being pushed to the back of the line for housing and jobs. They have had enough of the increase in crime perpetrated by the illegals into the city! And they have had enough of Mayor Brandon Johnson!

Read Rev. Lowery’s entire commentary below.

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, along came Brandon Johnson.

When the Biden administration reversed President Trump’s “Stay in Mexico” order and refused to finish the wall he started, it opened the floodgates to millions of illegal aliens into this country.

Rev. David Lowery, Jr.

Rev. David Lowery, Jr.

In 1985, Chicago declared itself a sanctuary city under the Harold Washington administration, giving vetted illegals a chance to work toward citizenship if they could prove credible or reasonable fear of harm if returned to their homelands.

It was understood that even those seeking asylum had to do it according to the immigration laws: through a legal port of entry, vetted and detained while paperwork from the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) worked in tandem through the process.

That resulted in fewer “so-called” refugees and others circumventing our laws on immigration as outlined by Congress.

But there was another plan in the works. Since President Joe Biden moved into the Oval Office and began implementing his vision for America, the country has been battling mass invasions of unvetted illegals into the interior of the country.

This is where Chicago and current mayor, Johnson come into play.

To be fair, the plan to bring an unprecedented number of illegal aliens into Chicago began under the previous one-term disastrous mayor, Lori Lightfoot. She reiterated Chicago’s “sanctuary city” status with a boldness and magnitude loud enough for anyone even considering crossing the border illegally to rush toward the city with a vengeance.

I fast-forward to our current mayor.

The Johnson victory hadn’t even started to cool when he announced that his primary goal for Chicago under his administration was to assist with supporting the thousands of illegal aliens fleeing their countries seeking asylum.

He promised financial, housing and food assistance to, as he puts it, “new arrivals.” He pledged that he’d be the most “transparent mayor” and would work with the citizens of Chicago to bring crime under control, among many other pressing issues.

Instead, Johnson has aided and abetted illegals to come into the city at an alarming rate, while attempting to shift the blame onto Texas’ GOP Gov. Greg Abbott as the instigator of the flood.

While this may be his attempt to distract from the true mission, Johnson has failed to convince Chicago’s citizens.

It is true that Gov. Abbott bused illegals from his state to those welcoming sanctuary states; why wouldn’t he have? He didn’t sign on to be the unofficial port of entry for illegals into the country and he was certainly clear that Texas was not a sanctuary state, so he did the right thing by the good people of Texas to move them out of the state as fast as he could and off to the cities and states that so publicly welcomed them.

So far, Chicago has been inundated with over 20,000 illegals, mostly into Black neighborhoods, many already under economic distress. The city taxpayers have had to foot the bill in the millions of dollars to supplement Johnson’s plan.

The last straw for the citizens of Chicago was the passing of an additional $70 million in further assistance to the illegals with no funding going to thousands of homeless citizens and veterans.

The citizens of Chicago have had enough! They have had enough of funding illegal aliens with their hard-earned tax dollars. They have had enough with being pushed to the back of the line for housing and jobs. They have had enough of the increase in crime perpetrated by the illegals into the city! And they have had enough of Mayor Brandon Johnson!

One community activist has heard the people of Chicago loud and clear. Daniel Boland is a long-time warrior with years of political and policy acumen and he has a solution to end the bleeding that the Johnson administration has caused.

Boland has started a petition drive to recall Mayor Johnson. It would require the signatures of 57,000 registered voters of Chicago for the question to be placed on the ballot for the November elections.

However, to ensure there will be no chance of a challenge to the signatures, other organizations such as The Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, Great Lakes Illinois Republican Women, countless individuals from various political, religious, racial, gender, socio economic and generational affiliations, are also circulating petitions pushing for much-needed change.

The entire world is watching Chicago and how its citizens are fighting back against this government abuse, and how allowing this influx of illegals to continue will lead to destruction.


Project 21 Ambassador Rev. David L. Lowery, Jr., is co-pastor at Fernwood Community Outreach Church in Chicago, an outreach pastor at Universal Baptist Church in Harvey, IL, and host of “Let the Truth Be Told” on The Exceptional Conservative Network ( This was originally published at Newsmax.

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