David Lowery Atlanta

David Lowery Warns Atlanta to Avoid Becoming the Next Chicago

Project 21 Ambassador Rev. David Lowery, Jr., has long been an outspoken advocate for the citizens of Chicago, where he serves as a pastor at two churches.  He recently brought his public safety message to Atlanta, joining other activists at Atlanta City Hall to support the city’s efforts to build a $90 million public safety training center in Dekalb County.

In remarks covered by local Atlanta news outlets, David warned Atlanta:

If you don’t support this training center, and you allow what is happening in Chicago [and] California and New Jersey, then your town will become unsafe.

David also said:

Without structure, there’s chaos. And that chaos is going to continue unless we teach our law enforcement and unite them to deal with the issues we face….

It is very imperative that we as citizens across the United States support our law enforcement. Who else are we going to have if something happens?

… So to the people of Atlanta: Stand firm. Support your law enforcement, cause they’re the last line of defense, and if we don’t support them, our country will go to hell in a handbasket.

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