Horace Cooper on Hannity discussing Fear Tactics

Horace Cooper: The Left Projects Onto the Right the Draconian Tactics It Has Committed

On the Fox News Channel program “Hannity,” Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper talked with host Sean Hannity and fellow panelist Tudor Dixon about the frenzied fear tactics leftists have been using as we approach November.

Horace laughed at how Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow worried on air that they could face fines and/or cancellation if former President Trump is elected in November:

A crack comes to mind: promise or threat?

Is it really likely that we won’t see “The View” or Rachel Maddow anymore? It’s ridiculous.

These shows right now are so pitiful, so sad. They only talk to a few fevered listeners. And the best thing they could have happen to them is to have a Republican president named Donald Trump elected to build up an audience again.

In all seriousness, though, Horace notes that the things leftists seem most scared of are the same things that they themselves have engaged in:

The truth is this: We live in a society where the left projects onto the right things that the left has done.

It is the left that targeted the New York Post.

It is the left that said to AT&T: You’ve got some conservative programs on your cable network; you’ve gotta get rid of them.

It is the left who punishes people who try to put books out that are critical, say, of how government is responding to COVID.

It’s not the right. It’s the left.

So this overheated rhetoric really needs to stop, and some of these folks need to look in the mirror.

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