Tag: Press Release

Forbes Blasts Clinton for Expanding Medicare While Restricting Seniors’ Choice

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(Bedminster, New Jersey) Steve Forbes, Honorary Chairman of Americans for Hope, Growth and Opportunity, a national issues advocacy organization, today criticized President Clinton for trying to expand government-run Medicare while simultaneously trying to restrict Medicare-eligible seniors from choosing their own ...

Forbes Calls on Clinton to Propose Pro-Growth Social Security Reform

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(Bedminster, New Jersey) Steve Forbes, Honorary Chairman of Americans for Hope, Growth and Opportunity, a national issues advocacy organization, today challenged President Bill Clinton to create a new Social Security system for young people that is pro-family and pro-growth, and ...

Clinton Scandal Shows “Naked Abuse of Power,” Says Project 21

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The African-American leadership group Project 21 says allegations of perjury and an affair with an intern by President Clinton is a critical blow to the President in terms of trust and character. "This recent situation with the President takes on ...

U.S. Spends 82.9% of Public School Money on Salaries and Benefits

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March 3, 1998 - The United State spends 82.9% of current public education expenditures on the salaries and benefits of education employees, according to a new report by the Education Intelligence Agency. The 20-page report, "One Yard Below: Education Statistics ...

American Heritage Rivers Advisory Committee to Convene “Kangaroo Court”

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Property rights activists ­ including one dressed as a kangaroo - will brand the first meeting of the American Rivers Advisory Committee a "kangaroo court" at a protest outside the meeting on May 11 beginning at 8:45 A.M. at 726 ...

Clinton Scandal Shows Naked Abuse of Power – January 1998

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The African-American leadership group Project 21 says allegations of perjury and an affair with an intern by President Clinton is a critical blow to the President in terms of trust and character. "This recent situation with the President takes on ...

Larger Public Health Risks Overlooked in the Global Warming Debate

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Policy Proposals Seek Solution to Hypothetical Health Risks While Ignoring Real Ones For Immediate Release November 21, 1997 Contact: David Ridenour of The National Center for Public Policy Research at (202) 507-6398 or [email protected] The public health "big picture" has ...

Forbes Rips Clinton as New Report Shows Teen Drug Use Still Soaring

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Press ReleaseAmericans for Hope, Growth and Opportunity FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 13, 1997 AMERICANS FOR HOPE, GROWTH AND OPPORTUNITY RIPS CLINTON FOR LACK OF LEADERSHIP AS NEW REPORT SHOWS PRE-TEEN DRUG USE SOARING"When the number of 12-year-olds who know cocaine ...

Taxpayers, Religious People, Internet Users, Handguns Owners Shut Out of Court

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Press Release The National Center for Public Policy Research For Immediate Release: June 27, 1997 Contact: Amy Ridenour (202) 507-6398 or [email protected] Taxpayers, Religious People, Internet Users, Handgun Owners Shut Out of Court:Millions Affected by Supreme Court Decisions This Week ...

Racial Reconciliation Needs to Start at the White House

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Project 21 Press Release Racial Reconciliation Needs to Start at the White House On Eve of Presidential Announcement, African-American Group Releases Top 10 List of Acts by the Clinton Administration That Divide America By Race and Ethnicity June 9, 1997 ...

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