28 Mar 2004 Spin from the Spin Critics
Spinsanity has an announcement this evening:
“We are proud to announce the upcoming release of our first book, All the President’s Spin: George W. Bush, the Media and the Truth, which will be published in August by Touchstone/Fireside, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.
All the President’s Spin will provide the definitive non-partisan account of the Bush administration’s unrelenting dishonesty about public policy. The book will demonstrate how the White House has broken new ground in using misleading sales tactics to promote its policies and manipulate the media.
Of course, the President is not the only dishonest national politician, but he is surely the most influential. Bush’s tactics threaten to change the nature of the presidency and further corrupt American political debate. That is why, rather than attacking his policies or ideology, our book will examine the public relations strategy the Bush administration has used to advance that agenda – its origins, how it works, and why it has been so effective at spinning the media.
In short, this is not a partisan book…”
Uh huh.
To be fair, Spansanity goes on to say that it intends to continue critiquing Democrats and liberals and “we may well write books or articles focusing exclusively on liberals or Democrats, who have become increasingly aggressive in their rhetoric in recent months.” But reality is reality. They chose to criticize just one side — and to release the book in August of a presidential election year.
Spinsanity’s spin doesn’t obscure the truth: It is taking sides.