The Indianapolis Star reports on yet another eminent domain abuse case: This time, a family business that has been operating since 1938 is being threatened so a sports stadium can have a larger parking lot. Hat tip: Radley Balko ...
Writing for the National Legal and Policy Center, John Carlisle describes how the main group opposing Social Security rescue and modernization received over $80 million from five federal departments last year ...
The National Center for Policy Analysis takes a look at a National Bureau of Economic Research study on the fiscal implications, in 12 countries, of raising hte retirement age. Amazingly, they are discussing raising it only to 65 ...
Those interested in energy development, energy independence, clean energy and/or global warming may be interested in a debate about the advantages and feasibility of nuclear energy ongoing presently in Scientific American and the Chicago Sun-Times. Writing in the December Scientific ...
Every now and then, I read something in the newspaper that really knocks my socks off, and this is one of those times. I just read John Fund's On the Trail column in the Wall Street Journal and learned that ...
Joe Roche writes: It is Christmas time, Hanukah, and the New Year is just around the corner. I ask you to think of our soldiers and how our Republic gives us such virtue in serving our nation. I have spent ...
Young America's Foundation has posted a list of America's "most bizarre and politically correct college courses." Like Howard Stern, the American university system seems to have a fixation on Lesbians ...
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