"In practice, you will find no light between the typical ESG platform and the governance wish list of Elizabeth Warren," Free Enterprise Project Director Stefan Padfield writes in a commentary syndicated through InsideSources. "ESG is, in practice, a Trojan horse ...
Tag: FEP Commentary
Stefan Padfield: Woke Inc. and ESG
Scott Shepard: Coca-Cola Has Done Opponents of DEI and ESG a Huge Favor
Scott Shepard: Jack & Harley Discriminate Against White Male Key Demographic Under Big 3 Pressure
Stefan Padfield: Enhanced Scrutiny and the Omnipresent Specter of Political Bias
FEP Hits Front Pages, Stands Out in Fight Against SEC Power Grab
Scott Shepard: Giant Investment Houses Are Still Infinitely Partisan
That Starbucks DEI Case Doesn’t Stand for What You Think It Does
Stefan Padfield: Larry Fink’s Investor Letter Ignores Elephants In BlackRock’s Room
Stefan Padfield: Are We Witnessing the Retreat of Woke Capital?
The Shareholder Activism of Anti-Discrimination Proponents