Staples – Sinclair: Media Matters Strikes Back

Curiouser and curiouser. Media Matters has posted a letter to Staples CEO Ron Sargent on its website saying “Staples, Inc. officials reviewed, edited, and approved the Media Matters press release of January 4, 2005, in both draft and final form.”

This is the Media Matters press release that begins:

Media Matters for America today announced that Staples, Inc. will no longer advertise on local news programming on Sinclair Broadcast Group TV stations nationwide. Citing an effort to be responsive to customer concerns about Sinclair’s injection of partisan conservative politics into its nightly newscasts, Staples, Inc. attributed its decision in part to the response the company received from customers visiting the website…

I just a moment ago telephoned Paul Capelli of Staples for his reaction. I spoke with his assistant, who said he was on the other line. I hope to hear back from him soon.

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