David Brock: Conservatives Lie

David Brock is one to talk

‘The conservatives seem to be particularly vulnerable [to having “lies” exposed] because the quality of their research is particularly low. There is typically self-interested money behind it and of course they are simply willing to lie,’ Brock told a group of interns at a luncheon at the Center for American Progress headquarters in Washington D.C.

…I buy Brock’s books about the conservative movement because the breadth and scope of his inaccurates is so extensive, I find them hilarious.Even the smallest details — such as the style and color of clothes a particular conservative might favor — are not immune to fanciful, if pointless, reinterpretations.

Charity, however, inclines me to believe that “lies” may not be at work. Ignorance and lack of attention to detail are often the culprits in these cases.

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