Phyllis Schlafly v. Pentagon Feminists, with Rumsfeld as Arbiter

Men in the military — and fair-minded Americans generally — should read Phyllis Schlafly’s latest column. Some excerpts:

The feminists have launched a devious attack on the U.S. Armed Services that could have a very detrimental effect on morale, retention, and recruitment…

…They have persuaded Rumsfeld’s Community and Family Policy office to award a contract to Wellesley College Centers for Women to make recommendations about establishing an [Office of the Victim Advocate, or OVA] in the Pentagon.

The recommendations are wholly predictable… They will call for setting up an OVA in Washington to provide feminists who major in Women’s Studies with tax-funded jobs from which they can pursue worldwide feminist goals in the Armed Services and destroy the career of any man who stands in a woman’s way.

A Pentagon Office of the Victim Advocate would soon become an out-of-control agency working to implement feminist beliefs, i.e., men are batterers and women are victims, a woman’s complaint or he-said-she-said allegation must be accepted as valid and acted upon while no presumption of innocence is granted to the man, the definition of domestic violence does not have to be violent or even physical, and the complaining woman must be provided with free legal and “victim services” while the man is on his own to find and hire a lawyer willing to challenge feminist anti-male orthodoxy.

Wellesley’s recommendations will doubtless include… a rule that no military man can be eligible for promotion if he has received any adverse personnel action relating to sexual misconduct or domestic violence. Another caveat is that arrest and prosecution of the man must go forward even if there is no visible indication of injury and even if the victim opposes prosecution…

Violence against women should, of course, be aggressively prosecuted, but there is no justice when the government accepts feminist dogma that the woman is always right while the man is always wrong. Secretary Rumsfeld needs to understand that the civilian domestic-violence lobby uses a definition of domestic violence that includes facial gestures, perceived insults, put-downs, embarrassments, and other annoyances and disagreements…

Read the whole thing here. Better yet, read it and then use the form on Phyllis’s website to email a copy to someone you know.

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