From Peyton Knight: On the theory of human-caused global warming, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon claims "the time for doubt has passed." Yet 100 prominent scientists, some of whom are current or former UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on ...
The Washington Post finds a way to exploit former President Ford's death, seeing the story of a decent man's passing as a way to launch an attack on -- of course -- the Bush Administration. The fact that President Ford ...
Mychal Massie, chairman of the Project 21 black leadership network, is asking President George W. Bush to pardon jailed U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean. "This is Christmas, and in the spirit of Christmas, it is ...
Black activists from the Project 21 leadership network are condemning the Philadelphia City Council's decision to evict the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) from its regional headquarters after the city failed to reach a compromise with the Boy Scouts on ...
Senator Kit Bond (R-MO) has mapped out the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2007. He calls it "Rube Goldberg meets carbon caps." I say Kit Bond's Liberman-Warner climate bill chart looks a lot like the complex chart Senator Arlen Specter ...
A contribution from Peyton Knight: As the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee prepares to vote this week on the Lieberman/Warner global warming bill (S. 2191), which would strap the U.S. with mandatory carbon dioxide restrictions and establish a ...
For those who use and depend on affordable energy, there is plenty to dislike about the energy proposals currently being negotiated in Congress. Should Title VI of the House-passed energy bill (H.R. 3221) become law, however, trial lawyers and environmental ...
Total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions dropped by 1.5 percent in 2006. The total reduction in U.S. carbon dioxide emissions was 1.8 percent. By comparison, carbon dioxide emissions by participants in the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme (Europe's version of "cap ...
Deneen Borelli wants to know: Where is the feminist outrage over jailing of British woman in Sudan? Says Deneen: "I'm amazed by the silence of the so-called women's rights groups like NOW. This is an example of their selective feminist ...
Bob King of the Palm Beach Post has a rather bizarre piece out attacking first Rush Limbaugh, and then us, for what Rush and husband David said about hurricanes this week. Well, better to be attacked with Rush Limbaugh than ...
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