Sour Green Grapes

David’s comments, posted here last week on the primary election loss of Green Republican Representative Wayne Gilchest of Maryland, have been expanded upon and have now been published in a column on

It seems that Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD) had a bad case of sour grapes – sour green grapes.

The nine-term Congressman has yet to make the customary concession call to Andy Harris, who defeated him in the February 12 GOP primary balloting.

It seems that Congressman Gilchrest is irked about a post-primary election statement by an aide to Harris, who acknowledged the Congressman’s courageous service during the Vietnam war, but noted that the voters of Maryland’s traditionally conservative First District booted Gilchrest because they wanted a true conservative to represent them.

The aide is right – that’s exactly what they did want. What they didn’t want was an environmental radical representing them…

More on the kerfluffle David writes of on the nonexistent concession call here.

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