Outrage of the Day: Obama Raised Cash for Never-to-Be-Run Senate Race After Leaving Senate

FreeFotocomDollarsSm.jpgIn a move that’s cynical, even for him, Barack Obama was still raising money for his 2010 U.S. Senate re-election fund as late as December 26, 2008, more than a month after being elected President of the United States on November 8 and resigning from the Senate itself on November 16.

According to an article by Jim McElhatton in the March 27 Washington Times, an unnamed Obama defender said the funds were raised “to cover outstanding expenses that needed to be paid to wind down the campaign committee,” as if “winding down” from a campaign one actually hadn’t run is an especially expensive proposition.

According to McElhatton’s reporting, Obama’s never-to-be-run Senate 2010 campaign fund had $100,000 on hand when it was still raising money for this apparently very luxurious “wind down” operation.

The December 26, 2008 donations, McElhatton reports, included $2,300 “from a top executive of a Wall Street firm that had received a government bailout.”

Gee. Who’s surprised?
Photo source: FreeFoto.com

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