Citing Conflicts of Interest, Free Enterprise Project Calls on GE CEO Jeff Immelt and La Opinion CEO Monica C. Lozano to Resign from President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board

StrategyRoomBorelli112508kTom Borelli of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project is scheduled to appear on the Fox News Channel’s online “Strategy Room” program on Thursday, June 25 between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM eastern.

Tom is planning to talk about the Waxman-Markey “cap-and-trade” legislation that could come up for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives as early as this Friday. This bill would regulate the emissions of American businesses, inevitably raising consumer prices for what is predicted as a negligible effect on climate change.

A recent poll commissioned by the National Center’s Public Opinion and Policy Center found that black Americans in particular are opposed to such new regulation while the economy is under strain. Of 800 black Americans polled, 76% want economic recovery to be the top priority of lawmakers and 52% do not favor paying even a single penny in higher gas and electricity prices to promote liberal climate change policy.

A press release summarizing the results of the POP Center poll can be found here.

To access the live Internet broadcast on Thursday, click here and then click the “STREAM THIS NOW” headline in the center or the page under the photo.

This post was written by David Almasi, executive director of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Write the author at [email protected]. As we occasionally reprint letters on the blog, please note if you prefer that your correspondence be kept private, or only published anonymously.

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