Massie Debates Marc Morial’s Contention About Blacks Being “Bamboozled” by Conservatives

At Project 21 chairman Mychal Massie’s “empty chair debate” against civil rights establishment leaders Al Sharpton, Marc Morial and Walter Fauntroy, Mychal took offense to an assertion made by Morial — the president of the National Urban League — that conservatives are trying to “bamboozle” black Americans.

Mychal points out that it is not conservatives who are promoting the notion that sports is a ticket to success or that rappers are more admirable and wiser than classic authors.  In contrast, Mychal suggests that it is the civil rights lobby that is allowing and sometimes openly promoting the bamboozling of the black community with false hopes and fears.

Questioned about the reasons for having the debate without Morial, Shartpton and Fauntroy, Mychal explains the importance of holding these men accountable for their statements and rebutting their accusations.

The Daily Caller’s report on the event can be found here.  The CNSNews report can be found here.

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