26 Feb 2024 Horace Cooper: Black Americans Are Fed up With Biden’s Open-Border Policies
On the Fox News program “The Ingraham Angle,” Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper told guest host Pete Hegseth how Biden’s progressive policies are disproportionately hurting black Americans.
Horace noted that progressive “sanctuary cities” have taken better care of illegal immigrants than their own black citizens:
I hear from black Americans, when we go out into the community, that this one of the top issues that they’re concerned about: the open-border policies of this president.
In fact, last summer, we put together a monogram at Project 21 – What Immigration Policy Means For Black America – because only 6 in 10 black men have a high school diploma. The very group of people that we’re importing illegally by opening the doors are undercutting American citizens,
And the worst part of it is? Those same citizens are forced to pay for debit cards – up to $10,000 [for the illegal immigrants who are] staying at some of the nicest hotels that many black Americans can only dream of.
Black Americans are fed up with Biden’s open-border policies.
Horace also addressed woke policies infiltrating American schools, and especially those in urban areas like Chicago:
We’re going to take the one opportunity – education – that will help liberate people in America, particularly disproportionately black Americans who live in the inner city. The progressives are crippling even that tool.
We’re turning our public schools into pipelines to prison. That’s an awful thing to see progressives do to black America.