Author: Jeff Stier

Government Run Healthcare Skews Science /
First, it was just a good, but hypothetical argument against the government’s increasing role in paying for healthcare. Now, the argument that it will skew scientific decision-making is having real-world impact on a process that should be driven by sicence.  ...

Activists’ Dangerous “Dirty Dozen” Drama Debunked; Media Dozes /
In a piece for Forbes, Dr. Henry Miller of the Hoover Institution joins me in reporting about how activist NGO’s promote fear mongering about food, but when scientists speak out to debunk the scares, the media is deafeningly silent. You ...

Conflicts of Interest or Conflict of Ideals? /
In a piece in yesterday’s Daily Caller, I pointed out that the media has focused like a laser on reporting any conflicts of interest in public and private figures in the news. Is it high-minded journalism? Or is it a ...

The Government War Against Quitting Smoking /
The Government War Against Quitting Smoking This headline might be more telling for my piece today in National Review Online, co-authored with Gregory Conley from Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives. Earlier this month, the government announced it is falling behind ...

What is the Proper Role of the U.S. Surgeon General? /
The job of the U.S. Surgeon General has always been a challenging one to describe. No, he or she doesn’t have to be a general surgeon, or a surgeon of any kind, for that matter. Rather, the surgeon general traditionally ...

Does Mayor Bloomberg Stand to Profit from Sierra Club’s “Beyond Coal” Campaign? /
I ran into this anti-coal advertisement by Michael Bloomberg when visiting a Tina Korbe post on Michael Bloomberg did not become a billionaire and a successful politician without knowing a few tricks. As the National Center for Public Policy ...

Tobacco Regulation: Can the European Union Learn From the United States FDA? /
In a piece for The Guardian, I suggest that the European Union (EU) should look to the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a model for tobacco regulation. No, that doesn’t mean I think the FDA is doing a ...

New York Times Columnist Mark Bittman and the Food Police are Wrong /
In a piece for Forbes today, The Hoover Institution’s Dr. Henry Miller and I write that, Activists, local government bureaucrats and federal officials continue to come up with dubious ways to promote health and reduce obesity. We examine three initiatives ...

Greens Squeeze Impoverished Out of Jobs /
It may sound absurd, but several environmental NGOs – notably Greenpeace, Rainforest Action, and WWF – are now involved in a concerted attempt to stymie investment in the developing world. At the root of the insidious campaign is a fundamental ...

Fishy Business: The Bipartisan Effort to Shut Out Competition in the Salmon Industry /
Members of Congress from both parties are trying to keep the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from actually doing its job and approving a more efficiently farmed salmon that has already been determined to be safe from coming to market ...

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