Category: AMZN

Amazon BLM HRC

Amazon Faces Charges of Supporting Radical, Divisive Causes

Press Release /
Shareholders Aren’t Smiling Washington, D.C. – At today’s annual Amazon shareholder meeting, Stefan Padfield, deputy director of the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP), presents a proposal holding the online shopping behemoth accountable for taking radical ...
Wisdom Wanted on Wednesday: Shareholders at Amazon, McDonald’s, PayPal and FirstEnergy Can Help Corporations Return to Neutral

Wisdom Wanted on Wednesday: Shareholders at Amazon, McDonald’s, PayPal and FirstEnergy Can Help Corporations Return to Neutral

Press Release /
Washington, D.C. – At Wednesday’s annual shareholder meetings of Amazon, McDonald’s, PayPal and FirstEnergy, shareholders will have the opportunity to vote on proposals from the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP) designed to help these corporations ...
Companies Aligned With BLM Must Respond to Hamas Atrocities

Companies Aligned With BLM Must Respond to Hamas Atrocities

FEP Commentary /
For the last several years, representatives of both our Free Enterprise Project (FEP) and our Project 21 black leadership network have warned corporations as well as the general public that if they wanted to support justice, racial equality and the ...
Affirmative Action Is Racist and Illegal in Corporate America, Just as It Was in Higher Education

Affirmative Action Is Racist and Illegal in Corporate America, Just as It Was in Higher Education

Media Mention /
On the heels of the Supreme Court striking down affirmative action in higher education, conservative activists such as those with our Free Enterprise Project (FEP) are targeting diversity programs at corporations such as Starbucks, Comcast and Amazon. While our lawsuit ...
End of AmazonSmile Likely Not the End of Amazon's Charity Discrimination

End of AmazonSmile Likely Not the End of Amazon’s Charity Discrimination

Free Enterprise Project /
Amazon has announced the end of its AmazonSmile charity program, but as Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard told The Daily Signal's Tyler O'Neil, the retail giant is not likely to change its posture toward many charities favored by conservatives ...
Is the Woke Corporate 'Worm' Finally Turning?

Is the Woke Corporate ‘Worm’ Finally Turning?

More than a few executives appear to be glimpsing the high costs of politicized corporate management. A chief driver of these revelations is surely the rolling market correction that has characterized 2022. At one point last week, the Nasdaq was ...
Defund the SPLC

Defund the SPLC /
The Southern Poverty Law Center describes itself as a catalyst for social justice through its efforts to dismantle white supremacy and hate, while advancing human rights for all people. It claims to be an organization that fights for racial equality, ...
Until Amazon Stops Letting A Hate Group Run Amazon Smile, Jeff Bezos’s Pledge To Congress Means Nothing

Until Amazon Stops Letting A Hate Group Run Amazon Smile, Jeff Bezos’s Pledge To Congress Means Nothing

Four of the world’s most powerful tech CEOs — Apple’s Tim Cook, Google’s Sundar Pichai, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos — came to Capitol Hill, via a live video feed in a highly publicized congressional hearing, to ostensibly ...
Sick of Wall Street Liberals?  Blame the Left’s “Methodical, Vigilant Shareholder Pressure Campaigns”

Sick of Wall Street Liberals? Blame the Left’s “Methodical, Vigilant Shareholder Pressure Campaigns” /
CEOs can serve longer than American presidents. Corporate middle managers may last even longer in departments such as human resources, communications and the general counsel’s office. With this in mind, it’s no wonder the left has set its sights on ...

Amazon, Apple Called Hypocritical for Bowing to Chinese Censorship Demands

Press Release /
Free Enterprise Project Questions Jeff Bezos's and Tim Cook's Commitments to Human Rights Washington, D.C. - The nation's leading conservative shareholder activist organization calls on Amazon and Apple to recommit to protecting human rights after both companies recently, and hypocritically, ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.