Tag: FEP Commentary

Man Reading Newspaper

FEP Hits Front Pages, Stands Out in Fight Against SEC Power Grab

FEP Commentary /
Our ears have been burning in recent weeks as front-page spreads raise the chatter about the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP) and show just how effectively it has led the fight against the ESG juggernaut ...
State Street

Scott Shepard: Giant Investment Houses Are Still Infinitely Partisan

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In a commentary published at RealClearMarkets, Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard makes an assertion that is likely startling to those who aren't fully paying attention: [T]he Big Three investment houses – BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard – are so ...
That Starbucks DEI Case Doesn’t Stand for What You Think It Does

That Starbucks DEI Case Doesn’t Stand for What You Think It Does

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While proponents of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) agenda have been celebrating the dismissal of our recent DEI case against Starbucks, Scott Shepard, Stefan Padfield and Ethan Peck of our Free Enterprise Project (FEP) note that "a closer look at the decision ...
Stefan Padfield: Larry Fink's Investor Letter Ignores Elephants In BlackRock's Room

Stefan Padfield: Larry Fink’s Investor Letter Ignores Elephants In BlackRock’s Room

FEP Commentary /
"The most noticeable thing about Larry Fink’s letter to his investors is the deafening silence on ESG and BlackRock’s associated self-inflicted wounds," Free Enterprise Project Deputy Director Stefan Padfield says in a response published at RealClearMarkets. Read Stefan's entire commentary below ...
Best Buy store

Stefan Padfield: Are We Witnessing the Retreat of Woke Capital?

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In a commentary published at Human Events, Free Enterprise Project Deputy Director Stefan Padfield says that "for all the talk of woke capital being in retreat, the reality is that corporations like Best Buy... appear to be still very much ...
Diversity DEI discrimination

The Shareholder Activism of Anti-Discrimination Proponents

FEP Commentary /
Corporate Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) policies pose "serious and potentially vast financial risks to companies in addition to being inherently discriminatory and in violation of civil rights." Thankfully the National Center's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) is sounding the alarm ...
Bob Iger Disney Mickey Mouse Minnie

Scott Shepard: Some Wandering Wonderings About Disney’s Odd Shareholder Vote

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"[W]hen shareholders vote, the votes go to a company called Broadridge that somehow controls nearly all the voting pipes," writes Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard in a commentary published by RealClearMarkets. So one would hope that Broadridge is a nonpartisan entity ...

Ethan Peck: The ADL Smeared Me as Antisemitic for Opposing the WEF and UN, Even Though I’m Jewish

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Ever since Hamas's horrific October 7 attack on Israel, antisemitism has shown itself to be rampant around the world -- and particularly on college campuses across America. While one might hope that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) -- which was founded ...
Scott Shepard: Hate Woke Corporatism? Vote Your Shares Against It In Minutes

Scott Shepard: Hate Woke Corporatism? Vote Your Shares Against It In Minutes

FEP Commentary /
"There’s another tool to fight woke – one that shareholders can use, whether they own a few shares or millions," write Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard at The Daily Caller. For instance, in the case of the upcoming Disney ...
Stefan Padfield: Shareholders Must Protect Their Voting Rights to Protect Their Profits

Stefan Padfield: Shareholders Must Protect Their Voting Rights to Protect Their Profits

FEP Commentary /
Ever wonder what an individual like you can do to push back against the woke mob that threatens to take down Corporate America -- and your investments with it? In a commentary published at Newsmax, Free Enterprise Project (FEP) Deputy ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.